- Kasutaja
- Postitusi: 301
- Liitunud: 01 Okt 2007, 17:45
lahe kossus viimasel ajal polegi midagi suurt muutunud, nüüd siis siuke värk ootan põnevusega!
kas mingeid linke on selle jutu tõestuseks jagada?
nba reeglite kohta:
c. A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line shall count three points.
(1) The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt.
(2) The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line.
(3) The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released.
kas mingeid linke on selle jutu tõestuseks jagada?
nba reeglite kohta:
c. A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line shall count three points.
(1) The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt.
(2) The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line.
(3) The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released.
Viimati muutis Vaseliini Mati, 13 Veebr 2008, 19:00, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
Kuna ise olen samuti hakkasin korvpallikohtunikuks, siis või tõesti öelda, et kolmese joon viiakse kaugemale, kuid minuteada mitte see aasta. Ning muutub ka 24 sekundi reegel. See tähendab et kui võistkond A toob palli üle ning mängida on veel 18 sekundit ning vastane lükkab palli auti, läheb kell uuesti 24 sekundile. Ning kui on mängida veel 12 sekundit ja pall läheb auti läheb kell 14 sekundi peale. Umbes nii see oli. Vaikselt muudetakse NBA moodi kõik.
tehakse jah ja nagu ma ytlesingi need uued reeglid tulevad pärast Pekingit!
näed #7!reeglite kohta:
c. A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line shall count three points.
(1) The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt.
(2) The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line.
(3) The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released.