John Linehan

Klubist, mängijatest ja treeneritest.
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Postitusi: 2237
Liitunud: 06 Mär 2008, 16:53

Postitus Postitas zero0 »

Järgmisel hooajal me sind ilmselt Kalevis ei näe – teenid tõenäoliselt märksa parema pakkumise?

Ma loodan küll. Aga see on veel nii kaugel, et ma ei mõtle sellele.
Postitusi: 3686
Liitunud: 29 Mai 2007, 20:56
Asukoht: Anfield

Postitus Postitas jyrgen »

kujutage ette.. Meie tiimis mängib maailma parim kaitsemängija. Noh neid on veel kindlasti, aga ikka , selle peale on lihtsalt väga lahe mõelda minu arust.
Vaseliini Mati
Postitusi: 301
Liitunud: 01 Okt 2007, 17:45

Postitus Postitas Vaseliini Mati »

Oskar8 kirjutas:
Kristo kirjutas:
#23 kirjutas:Minu arust on olnud John kõige mõtekam ost sellel aastal Kalevi poolt, vise on küll kehv aga vähemalt pingutab ja tahtmine on suur .
Keegi rääkis, et trennis pidi ta viilima :rolleyes:
jah... :D aga ainult joonejooksudes ja nii... ja treener teab seda ja kõik teavad seda :D pole hullu :D

Vucinic oli midagi öelnud, et jumal ei luba Linehanil joont puutuda :D :D
Postitusi: 143
Liitunud: 20 Jaan 2008, 21:12

Postitus Postitas #15 »

oskar sai veits omatudjavascript:insert_text(':o', '');
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1582
Liitunud: 28 Aug 2008, 17:44
Asukoht: Eesti

Postitus Postitas Patrioot »

John Linehan learned how to steal at a young age. His education took place on the basketball court at Memorial Park in Chester, Pa. Starting at age 12, Linehan would stand amid the throng of players hoping to get picked to play by one of the court elders. For hours, as daylight turned to darkness, little John would wait. And wait. "Former college players were there, so it was hard to get into a game," says Linehan, who even now stands only 5'9" as a senior guard at Providence. "I had to do something different to get on the court."

As he waited, Linehan watched the action as intently as a jeweler would while appraising a diamond. What he learned—and what helped him become a regular on the court by the time he was 14—is that he could distinguish himself by being a pest on defense, a rarity on the playground. "Not many guys take pride in playing defense and making steals," says Linehan. "I do, and that's why people started noticing me."

That's also why Linehan is one of the most dominating college defensive players. Last season's Big East Defensive Player of the Year, Linehan was second in the nation in steals (4.5 a game) through Sunday and needed 27 swipes in the Friars' final seven games to break the NCAA career record of 376 held by former Providence star Eric Murdoch. "John's special trait is anticipation," says his coach, Tim Welsh. "He studies a lot of tape, but he could get by without it. He's that much of a natural."

NBA scouts, not known for taking a hard look at players shorter than 6 feet who have a career shooting percentage of .374, are intrigued by Linehan's defensive ability. "John creates havoc," says Rob Babcock, the Timberwolves' director of player personnel. "He could be very successful as a defensive specialist."

One NBA player already familiar with Linehan is Kobe Bryant. He and Linehan traveled the country as AAU teammates during the summer of 1995. One afternoon they played a game of one-on-one, and Linehan made a lasting impression. When asked during the playoffs last season who was the toughest defender he had ever faced, Bryant replied, "You may laugh, but it's a guy named John Linehan."

Linehan's defensive excellence is founded on a mixture of guile, intelligence, timing and quickness. He's listed at 5'9", but he's closer to 5'7", and his low center of gravity helps him maintain body control as he zips around the floor like a water bug. Lack of height, however, isn't generally viewed as an asset in basketball, and coming out of Chester High, Linehan received scholarship offers from only Coppin State and Howard. Linehan chose to go with Howard, but while in line to buy his train ticket to Washington, D.C., in the summer of 1997, he changed his mind. "I'd had success in high school playing against guys who were going to big-time schools," says Linehan, who was averaging 11.9 points at week's end for 13-10 Providence. "I felt I could be at one too."

Linehan never got on that train. Instead of going to Howard, he spent a postgrad year polishing his game at The Winchendon (Mass.) School, where he caught the eye of Pete Gillen, who was the Friars' coach at the time. Four years later Linehan's picture is plastered on billboards all over Providence, a reminder that thievery has many rewards. "Defense is about being relentless and being tough," says Linehan. "If you play hard, size doesn't matter."
"Siin ilmas pole midagi kindlat peale surma ja maksude".Benjamin Franklin
Postitusi: 508
Liitunud: 22 Jaan 2008, 11:15

Postitus Postitas Krysver »

See on juba hea, et see vend Eestisse sattus. Nüüd on võimalus, et mõni tüüp selle venna kaitsemängust pisiku endale ka külge saab ja hakkab kaitses rohkem suruma:)
See on päris oluline asi, et erinevaid eeskujusid vahel siia satub. Kui näiteks Parmer oma välkkiiret keerutust tegi, siis ilmus midagi samasugust ka Soku ja Arbeti arsenali.
Ja kui ma päris õigesti mäletan, siis hakkas Niidas kõvasti rohkem donki panema, kui Williams meeskonda tuli:)
Postitusi: 408
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2009, 21:23

Postitus Postitas YO »

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 379
Liitunud: 10 Jaan 2008, 20:39

Postitus Postitas pebeetu »

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Postitusi: 2237
Liitunud: 06 Mär 2008, 16:53

Postitus Postitas zero0 »

Halb uudis, Linehanita on meeskond ikka päris haavatav.
Postitusi: 115
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2007, 14:26

Postitus Postitas T6ru »

zero0 kirjutas:Halb uudis, Linehanita on meeskond ikka päris haavatav.
bljäääd see oleks küll nüüd kurb kui kahe viimase mänguga kus me peaks olema favoriidi rollis annaksime selle final fouri koha ära,SEDA EI TOHI JUHTUDA
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Postitusi: 4299
Liitunud: 21 Juun 2007, 09:56
Asukoht: tallinn

Postitus Postitas marxx762 »

Kuisjuures olukord kus ta põlvele haiget sai ei tundund üldse hull, arvasin et sai lihtsalt puuka, aga näednüüd, ja kui öeldi ka et ta põlved õrnukesed ja palju pole vaja siis jah....
Postitusi: 1914
Liitunud: 11 Nov 2006, 13:28

Postitus Postitas greystone »

Mitte et mingit alahindamist oleme aga cmon..koduväljakul peaksime Nevežisest ikka ilma Linehanite ka jagu saama.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Egert »

jah, mina arvan ka et nevezise vastu saame Linehanitagi võid, aga Ventspilsi vastu mängides võiks ta juba platsil olla :/
Postitusi: 180
Liitunud: 05 Jaan 2009, 19:30

Postitus Postitas Foxxx23 »

Egert kirjutas:jah, mina arvan ka et nevezise vastu saame Linehanitagi võid, aga Ventspilsi vastu mängides võiks ta juba platsil olla :/
Skylynersist saime ka ilma Linehanita jagu ;)
Mr. Aff
Postitusi: 935
Liitunud: 27 Okt 2008, 19:15

Postitus Postitas Mr. Aff »

Kui tõsine see Linehani vigastus on, 14. märtsiks Ventspilsi mänguks saab korda?