Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 130
Liitunud: 25 Juun 2010, 21:56
Asukoht: Riga, Latvia

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas fudzix »

Train over the summer good shape and everything will be ok, I remember the year 2008 Estonians were borne him three people!
Postitusi: 722
Liitunud: 31 Mai 2008, 13:31
Asukoht: Tartu

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Tartust »

fudzix kirjutas:Train over the summer good shape and everything will be ok, I remember the year 2008 Estonians were borne him three people!
You mean that we were defending him with 3 guys? I cant remember such situation and well mate, the basic thing is that the level between international stage and NBA is very different. The Nuggets are lacking with big men ever since they traded Camby, so Biedrins can be useful IF he can get to the shape he once was. If he cant, then his just a bust that also eats a big amount of your salary cap.
P.S nice to see a non Estonian here once in a while. All the best from a Rock fan.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 130
Liitunud: 25 Juun 2010, 21:56
Asukoht: Riga, Latvia

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas fudzix »

Everything will be OK with Andris Biedriņš! Fold over the summer committing!
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2374
Liitunud: 06 Jaan 2008, 01:57

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Karl »

Nuggets have got their starting center Nene, who is in my opinion more powerful and effective inside the glass then Biedrins.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 319
Liitunud: 28 Mär 2009, 15:25

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas hans »

fudzix kirjutas:Andris Biedriņš possible after
will change to the Denver Nuggets?
How do you think the club Andris Biedriņš could play?
hey, I'm a big Nuggets fan and as much as I've seen Biedrins-he kinda sucks and his Free throws are quite awful:D , Nuggets need a threat under the basket and I'm sorry Biedrins isn't the guy Nugs are searching for...
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4611
Liitunud: 26 Nov 2007, 02:26
Asukoht: Mustamäe

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Alex »

Egert kirjutas:Yao läheb Rocketsisse tagasi.
http://www.nba.com/2010/news/06/29/yao. ... ef:nbahpt2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Seoses Yao'ga meenus, et teine hiinlane Yi viidi mingisuguse diiliga pealinna meeskonda üle.
Ja natuke pikem tekst Nowitzki ja Mavsi fännidele:
DALLAS (AP)—Dirk Nowitzki is coming to Dallas to talk about a new contract with the Mavericks.
Mavericks president Donnie Nelson said Wednesday he got word from Nowitzki adviser Holger Geschwindner moments before Nelson was to board a plane for Germany.
Nelson said in a text message to The Associated Press that Nowitzki and Geschwindner were flying to Dallas and wanted to meet Thursday. Nelson called it a “really good sign” in the team’s bid to re-sign its all-time leading scorer and rebounder.
Nowitzki decided to opt out of the final year and $21.5 million his existing contract and became a free agent, with negotiations beginning around the league on Thursday.

Meeting with reporters before he left for the airport, Nelson said there was no backup plan if the Mavericks didn’t re-sign Nowitzki. Nelson said other big-name free agents and NBA stars wouldn’t be interested in the Mavericks without Nowitzki.
“Everything else hinges on this,” Nelson said. “We’re going all-out. We’ll get this thing done, and then we’ll survey the rest of the field and figure out where to go from there.”
Nelson will meet with Nowitzki and Geschwindner at the 32-year-old former MVP’s home when they arrive from Germany, Mavericks spokeswoman Sarah Melton said in an e-mail.
“We will put our best foot forward,” Nelson said before his sudden change in travel plans. “He is our A No. 1 player, and we are going to tell him how much we love him.”

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban will be in Los Angeles at the start of free agency, close to the agents for many of the biggest NBA stars, Nelson said. The bumper crop of free agents is headlined by LeBron James, but also includes Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire and Paul Pierce.
Nelson said he wasn’t worried about missing out on sales pitches for other big names.
“There is no mix if there’s no Dirk,” Nelson said.
Postitusi: 722
Liitunud: 31 Mai 2008, 13:31
Asukoht: Tartu

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Tartust »

Tundub, et Bucks on ka täitsa korraliku võistkonda ehitamas. Juba hangiti omale Magette ning täna siis Drew Gooden. Kui suudetakse veel Salmons ka hoida ning Bogut tervena püsib, võib tegu olla täiesti arvestatava jõuga idas.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2374
Liitunud: 06 Jaan 2008, 01:57

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Karl »

Pole veel päevagi möödas kui asjad on hakkanud juhtuma.

Gooden Bucksi ja arvatavasti ka Salmons.
Milicic jääb ikkagi NBA'sse ja Timberwolvesi.
Gay jääb 100M $ eest Grizzlisesse.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4611
Liitunud: 26 Nov 2007, 02:26
Asukoht: Mustamäe

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Alex »

Mõlema finaali meeskonna eesotsas jätkab sama mees.
Los Angeles Lakers just announced that coach Phil Jackson will return next season.
Phil Jackson says in statement: "It will be the last stand for me, I hope it will be a great one."
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 878
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2008, 00:08

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Mihkel111 »

Karl kirjutas:Gay jääb 100M $ eest Grizzlisesse.
Tegelikult pisut vähema eest.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 302
Liitunud: 05 Jaan 2010, 23:52

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Genuin »

ERR Sport on ka kuumal suveajal jalad õllekõhu alt välja võtnud ja teatab, et :
Cavaliers palkas uueks peatreeneriks Byron Scotti +
Kunn teeb oma doominokivisid kukutava otsuse esmaspäeval
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 390
Liitunud: 28 Mär 2010, 12:14

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Fixer »

Netist leidsin sellise pildi siis...

Pilt :lol: :lol: :lol:
Real Madrid C.F.
Manchester United FC
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1067
Liitunud: 04 Apr 2009, 13:35
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas kasutaja123 »

LeBronil on järgmine hooaeg särginumbriks 6 ;)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 721
Liitunud: 08 Mär 2008, 11:35
Asukoht: Võrumaa

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas mining531 »

kasutaja123 kirjutas:LeBronil on järgmine hooaeg särginumbriks 6 ;)
Ja lisaks veel, et neid töödeldud pilte leiab netist igaltpoolt, mõnedes foorumides on neid töödeldud fotosi lausa 100lk kaupa. Nii, et see kyll eriti suur avastus pole, halvasti ka veel töödeldud. Tahad endale rõõmu valmistada, vaata siia: http://forums.nba-live.com/viewforum.ph ... 3c4c53bf90" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 721
Liitunud: 08 Mär 2008, 11:35
Asukoht: Võrumaa

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas mining531 »

Steve Blake 4 aastane leping ja 16M$ Lakerisiga (Y)