76. leht 120-st

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 02 Dets 2009, 11:14
Postitas Go Cramo!
Egert kirjutas:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq-aYjr2GJ4
Veskist väike video :D
Oi sa türbel kui hea :D See lugu sobis nagu rusikas silmaauku, siiamaani ige kõrvuni sellest videost :lol:

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 06 Dets 2009, 15:36
Postitas Alex
When you're losing the way you're losing, guys just rubbing it in your face and dancing like that — I have a lot of respect for LeBron; its just a frustrating situation," Noah said.

James' response, while moonwalking across the locker room floor: "It's nothing against the Bulls, it's nothing against Joakim or any of those guys. It's not something that's new. We have fun, and we love to play the game of basketball. It's nothing about showboating; that's not what we do. I think he was frustrated by the way he played, maybe, as an individual, didn't help his team win."

So here's the question, sweet world: Did Noah have a right to get in LeBron's face, or should he have kept his yap shut and worried about shooting better than 2-of-7 from the floor?

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 06 Dets 2009, 16:43
Postitas Soho
hull 15a. goljat :D

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 06 Dets 2009, 16:58
Postitas julki
Soho kirjutas:hull 15a. goljat :D
See pole normaalne ,et 15a. selline välja näed :D

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 06 Dets 2009, 19:45
Postitas h00p
pole normaalne üldse 2.24 pikk olla :D

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 07 Dets 2009, 19:24
Postitas Egert

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 07 Dets 2009, 19:50
Postitas Alan
Huvitavat vaatamis pisut.

http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=471885 ... id=2459788" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 09 Dets 2009, 23:36
Postitas Alex

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 15 Dets 2009, 19:11
Postitas Egert
Hullult hea video :D :D :D :D

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 16 Dets 2009, 03:03
Postitas Alex

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 22 Dets 2009, 15:42
Postitas Alan
Huvitav, kas Kalevi poisid ka niimoodi bussireisidel aega viidavad.

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 24 Dets 2009, 18:07
Postitas Alex
Natuke huumorit....

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 24 Dets 2009, 18:53
Postitas Alan
Väärt kraam.

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 25 Dets 2009, 11:24
Postitas Egert
:D :D Täna õhtu mängivad omavahel :D

Re: Videod

Postitatud: 25 Dets 2009, 23:44
Postitas Soho
ka veits jõulu mussi :D