9. leht 17-st

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 22 Jaan 2011, 13:37
Postitas Alex
HAIL to Mike:
Baltic League - Dunigan's double-double lands him Player of the Week award
21-year old center Michael Dunigan put on an amazing game in the last round for Kalev/Cramo and receives a Eurobasket.com Player of the Week award for round 15. He had a double-double of 18 points and 12 rebounds, while his team beat Rudupis (#3, 10-6) 71-63. Kalev/Cramo maintains the 6th position in Baltic League Elite. They would have been even better if they hadn't lost a few games earlier this season..

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 04 Veebr 2011, 12:38
Postitas marxx762
Michael Dunigan from BC Kalev/Cramo has been named as the MVP of January.

TALLINN, Estonia – American centre Michael Dunigan has been named as the BBL elite division player of the month for January.

In the monthly award judged by leading basketball journalists throughout the Baltics, Dunigan received the award after recording 10.25 rebounds and 14.75 points a game in four appearances for Kalev/Cramo.

His biggest performance came on Jan. 8 against Nevezis when Kalev/Cramo shocked their visitors, winning by the somewhat surprising margin of 96-68. Dunigan hit five from six from the field (83.3%) to help to 18 points and seven rebounds (six defensive and one offensive).

This is Dunigan’s first year playing professionally following two seasons of college basketball in the United States for top college team, the Oregon Ducks. Dunigan was also eligible to play a third year before deciding to come play professionally in Europe.

In his first season in Oregon Dunigan averaged 8.4 points and 4.6 rebounds a game, playing just under 20 minutes. In his second season an increase in minutes to just over 20 minutes also saw a rise in his point-scoring to an averaging nine a game, as well as his rebounds with his average lifting to 4.9 a game.

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 04 Veebr 2011, 12:44
Postitas Elums
Dunigan läheb iga kuu aina paremaks.
Lootus, et kevadel on veel parem. :)

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 06 Veebr 2011, 21:16
Postitas theundertaker
Keegi teab mis seis selle jalaga, siis on mis ta eile sai? Kas on ka nüüd sant?

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 06 Veebr 2011, 21:18
Postitas Kristo
Eilses kohtumises Vilniuse Perlasega kergelt jalga väänanud Michael Dunigan võinuks abitreener Alar Varraku sõnul panna mänguvormi selga, aga teda hoitakse järgmisteks mängudeks.


Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 11 Veebr 2011, 13:33
Postitas Sten
Intervjuu Michael Duniganiga BBLi kodukal siis, kes pole märganud.
http://www.bbl.net/index.php/b19sYW5nPW ... ZpZD0zNTc2

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 12 Veebr 2011, 14:04
Postitas T Reed
Video tegijad võiks Duniganist ka midagi kokku panna.

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 12 Veebr 2011, 18:39
Postitas Kalev4ever
Ennem võiks hooaja lõpu ära oodata :)
Mõttetu teha (imo) juba poole hooaja pealt mängijatest videosid.
Ma saan aru, kui on mingi eriline highlight, mis väärib eraldi videot (Dorbeku dunk Prokomi vastu näiteks).

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 12 Mär 2011, 16:38
Postitas Kris
Dunigani mäng hakkab juba ka NBA draftisaitidele silma jääma. Eile uuendati Draftexpressi 2011 mock draft lehte, ja Givony asetab Dunigani 2. roundi 27ndale reale. Eelmises tabelis Dunigani nime veel polnud.

http://www.draftexpress.com/nba-mock-draft/2011/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

See aasta Duniganil ainuke võimalus draftituks osutuda (kuna jättis ülikooli sügisel pooleli), kui valituks ei osutu, siis ainuke võimalus vabaagendina.

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 25 Mär 2011, 21:44
Postitas Kris
Mind paneb hämmastama kui vähe tavaline delfi kossukommentaator draftist teab. Just selline märksõna nagu "automatic eligibility" rahvusvaheliste mängijate puhul.

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 05 Apr 2011, 22:46
Postitas pebeetu
http://www.ohtuleht.ee/421396" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 12 Apr 2011, 19:49
Postitas Kris
http://www.thehoopsreport.com/article.aspx?id=697" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
However, the Indiana Pacers are, according to a source, eyeing former Oregon big man Michael Dunigan in the middle of the second round. Dunigan played earlier this season in the Israeli-Premier League and is currently playing in the Baltic League. Dunigan was a McDonald's All-American coming out of high school.

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 29 Apr 2011, 19:32
Postitas Kris
Draftexpressi eestvedaja Jonathan Givony tänased twitterid:
Jonathan Givony
Former Oregon player Michael Dunigan showed there is an alternative to the NCAA's tyranny. Going to Europe=Best career move he ever made.
DraftExpress Jonathan Givony
Michael Dunigan was an overweight, underachieving former top-30 high school recruit at Oregon. Went to Europe and turned his career around.
Ja täna pani Dunigani agent ka ülesse väikse promovideo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9u5kKR9rFE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 30 Apr 2011, 12:28
Postitas Sten
Toome money tape! Vend paneb mingi kolm korda korvi alt mööda. :D

Re: Michael Dunigan

Postitatud: 30 Apr 2011, 13:02
Postitas väike-tamma
Tänu sellele videole võivad ka mõned meie mehed silma jääda kellegile.