108. leht 190-st

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 07:22
Postitas marxx762
Britta kirjutas:tegelikult on ju enamus Kalevi mänge videos, sessuhtes, meeskond ju vaatab neid, ja analüüsib peale mängu.. või noh, ma arvan, et nii tehakse.
kindlasti tehakse, sest eeltöö tuleb kah ära teha,ehk siis õpitakse liikumised ära ning ka nähakse mida mingi mees teha võib.

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 07:29
Postitas Demarr
alice kirjutas:@greystone: thanks for answering...though its's not in eesti keeles ;o)

is it a serious injury or is he already going to play next game!?
It shouldn't be very serious injury. I'm 80% sure he is ready for our next game vs Siauliai.

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 10:00
Postitas gametime
alice kirjutas:@greystone: thanks for answering...though its's not in eesti keeles ;o)

is it a serious injury or is he already going to play next game!?
Im curious. Your from Germany and fan of Kangur?
Always great to see foreign people here, so if you have question feel free to ask anytime :)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 13:50
Postitas FANnrOne
nathan johnson ja jokic kalevisse ei jää on nyyd selge .

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 14:58
Postitas spartaklane
miilest selline info ja kuidas sa seda täpselt tead,kui tõesti nii läheb ja Keerles ja Kangur on vigastatud siis huvitav palju mehi meil homme Leetu läheb, kas seitse või kaheksa

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 15:02
Postitas spartaklane
millest selline info ja kuidas sa seda täpselt tead ,kui tõesti nii ja Keerles ja Kangur vigastatud on siis huvitav palju mehi meil homme Leetu läheb ,kas seitse või kaheksa

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 16:30
Postitas alice
Kristjan played two years in Germany...at Bayer Giants Leverkusen - it's my hometown ;o)
When he signed in Leverkusen he became my favourite player! Blocks,Rebounds,No-look-passes (
best I've ever seen in Germany's BBL), Defense,Offense...His way to handle the ball is just stunning
and I would love to come to Estland...only to see him play! Unfortunatley it's not next door to Germany ;o)
Well, I hope he'll be back next game and start where he ended...he's in an superb form....THANKS to etvsport.ee
sometimes there some vid's from kalev' games :o)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 16:45
Postitas jyrgen
alice kirjutas:Kristjan played two years in Germany...at Bayer Giants Leverkusen - it's my hometown ;o)
When he signed in Leverkusen he became my favourite player! Blocks,Rebounds,No-look-passes (
best I've ever seen in Germany's BBL), Defense,Offense...His way to handle the ball is just stunning
and I would love to come to Estland...only to see him play! Unfortunatley it's not next door to Germany ;o)
Well, I hope he'll be back next game and start where he ended...he's in an superb form....THANKS to etvsport.ee
sometimes there some vid's from kalev' games :o)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 17:11
Postitas FANnrOne
alice kirjutas:Kristjan played two years in Germany...at Bayer Giants Leverkusen - it's my hometown ;o)
When he signed in Leverkusen he became my favourite player! Blocks,Rebounds,No-look-passes (
best I've ever seen in Germany's BBL), Defense,Offense...His way to handle the ball is just stunning
and I would love to come to Estland...only to see him play! Unfortunatley it's not next door to Germany ;o)
Well, I hope he'll be back next game and start where he ended...he's in an superb form....THANKS to etvsport.ee
sometimes there some vid's from kalev' games :o)
Kristjan has also a little mixtape in 'youtube, so check this out too, if you haven't yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnfELfQAl8A

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 18:12
Postitas Demarr
alice kirjutas:Kristjan played two years in Germany...at Bayer Giants Leverkusen - it's my hometown ;o)
When he signed in Leverkusen he became my favourite player! Blocks,Rebounds,No-look-passes (
best I've ever seen in Germany's BBL), Defense,Offense...His way to handle the ball is just stunning
and I would love to come to Estland...only to see him play! Unfortunatley it's not next door to Germany ;o)
Well, I hope he'll be back next game and start where he ended...he's in an superb form....THANKS to etvsport.ee
sometimes there some vid's from kalev' games :o)
Well if you can't come to Estonia you could go to Ludwigsburg. Kalev and Ludwigsburg play in same group in ULEB.

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 18:25
Postitas gametime
Demarr kirjutas:
alice kirjutas:Kristjan played two years in Germany...at Bayer Giants Leverkusen - it's my hometown ;o)
When he signed in Leverkusen he became my favourite player! Blocks,Rebounds,No-look-passes (
best I've ever seen in Germany's BBL), Defense,Offense...His way to handle the ball is just stunning
and I would love to come to Estland...only to see him play! Unfortunatley it's not next door to Germany ;o)
Well, I hope he'll be back next game and start where he ended...he's in an superb form....THANKS to etvsport.ee
sometimes there some vid's from kalev' games :o)
Well if you can't come to Estonia you could go to Ludwigsburg. Kalev and Ludwigsburg play in same group in ULEB.
You can also download the whole game wich Kalev played against Rytas
Search Kalev and download :)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 18:37
Postitas Britta
päris hea on lugeda, et Kanguril on ka Saksamaal fänne, kes pole teda unustanud! :)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 18:51
Postitas spartaklane
oskab siis keegi öelda ,mis siis ikkagi toimub ,kas Jokic ja Johnson lahkuvad ja mis siis hommsest Balti Liiga mängust Siaulai vastu saab ,ehk mitu meest Leetu siis sõitis

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 23:35
Postitas alice
I'm right back from an match of Bayer Leverkusen..we beat ALBA Berlin (guess you know the club) with 14 points *hehe*
spartaklane kirjutas:Well if you can't come to Estonia you could go to Ludwigsburg. Kalev and Ludwigsburg play in same group in ULEB.
Really? Can't believe this! Why didn't I reckon this?! When are they playing in Ludwigsburg....could you
give me the date? Would be too good to be truth if I could manage to go to Lubu and see Kalev LIVE!!!

Thank you all for giving me some "hints" concerning Kristjan *g*....The video at youtube.com is juts
great! Too bad I can't speak estonian language....Are there maybe other forums where one can discuss
about estonian basketball in english?

Well, wish you good luck for the upcoming games ;o)

Postitatud: 19 Okt 2007, 23:45
Postitas Vaseliini Mati
Hi alice!

Kalev will play with Ludwigsburg on the 15 of January.
http://www.ulebcup.com/ulebcup/competit ... &tabid=197

i don't know other good estonian basketball forums but you can speak here in english freely :) we are glad to see fans from other country and language is not an issue :)