131. leht 813-st

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 01:19
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Report: Philly Targeting Brand
By Dave McMenamin on July 8, 2008 at 12:30 p.m. ET

When Hawks swingman Josh Smith left Philadelphia last week without an offer to come step into the Sixers starting lineup at the four spot, the normally demanding Philly fans didn't jump down 76ers general manager Ed Stefanski's throat immediately.
Why? Because Elton Brand was still on the table.

Sure, Smith is young, runs the floor extremely well and can jump out the building, but that description already applies to Thaddeus Young and Andre Iguodala, two cogs already in place at the Wachovia Center (assuming Iggy inks a new deal).

Smith gets a lot of boards and blocks at the power forward position, but the knock on him is that he can't score in the post and is better as a help-side defender than he is at getting one-on-one stops.

Brand offers everything Smith doesn't: Nine years of experience vs. four for Smith; matriculation at Duke with Coach K vs. the prep to pros route that Smith took; a robust 254-pound frame to pound it inside with vs. Smith's lanky, 235-pound body; a mature veteran vs. a 22-year old still learning the ropes.

ESPN.com's Marc Stein reports that the Sixers are "actively involved" in the Brand sweepstakes and plan on trading Rodney Carney and Calvin Booth to clear up cap space to be able to sign the two-time All-Star.

Meanwhile, the Warriors wait, the Sixers are hedging their bets by looking into Nenad Krstic and Andris Biedrins and The Recliner GM is left wondering, Does Elton care about winning?

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 10:38
Postitas Tartust
No nii. Nagu Ints juba mainis, on Philaga lepingut tegemas Elton Brand (Y). Golden State samas on aga värbamas omale Corey Maggettet(Õigekiri), niiet midagigi positiivset sealsetele fännidele. Orlando on saanud endale Mickael Pietruse. Clippersiga tundub esialgu seda, et ei saada mitte tugevamaks vaid jäädakse hoopis nõrgemaks.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 14:19
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Davis sõlmib Clippersiga lepingu.
Suure tõenäosusega.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 14:21
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ints kirjutas:Davis sõlmid Clippersiga lepingu.
Suure tõenäosusega.
Ammu tean seda, aga see juba 100% et magette lahkub ning ilmselt ka Brand. Ma nüüd küll ei ütleks, et Clippers tugevnes.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 17:26
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kaks uudist seni

Report: Brand, Maggette to Leave L.A.
By Dan Savage on July 8, 2008 at 10:05 p.m. ET

Move over Rocky, Philadelphia has a new championship contender in town.
According to ESPN.com’s Marc Stein, the Sixers reached a verbal agreement on Tuesday night with sought after free-agent forward Elton Brand.

Philadelphia created enough salary cap room to afford the two-time All-Star earlier in the day, when it sent Rodney Carney, Calvin Booth and a future first-round pick to the Timberwolves for a future second-round selection.

After reaching the postseason for the first time since 2005 this past season, the addition of Brand could place the Sixers among the top title contenders in the Eastern Conference. With a front-court of Brand, Samuel Dalembert and Thaddeus Young, the Sixers not only have a formidable defensive presence, but an explosive offensive attack to hopefully go along with restricted free-agent Andre Iguodala.

But Brand wasn’t the only former Clipper to find a new home on Tuesday. After entertaining reported offers from the Spurs and Celtics, Corey Maggette decided to remain in California and agree to terms with the Golden State Warriors.

Maggette is expected to fill some of the offensive void left by Baron Davis, who recently came to a verbal agreement with the Clippers.

Report: Magic to Land Pietrus
By Josh Cohen on July 8, 2008 at 7:45 p.m. ET

The Orlando Magic believe they are extremely close to becoming a perennial championship contender and, perhaps, a Finals favorite for years to come.
They possess the league’s most lethal and dominant center (Dwight Howard); they have the game’s most improved player (Hedo Turkoglu) and they own one of the most resourceful and consistent forwards in the NBA (Rashard Lewis).

It’s only fitting that Orlando continues to build around its main core with high-energy role players.

The Magic, in fact, have reportedly agreed to a four-year deal with unrestricted free agent Mickael Pietrus, a serviceable reserve for the Warriors the past five seasons.

The Frenchman, moreover, will add much-needed depth to the Magic’s backcourt. Keyon Dooling, Maurice Evans and Carlos Arroyo are all free agents and Courtney Lee, who has flourished early on in the Orlando Pro Summer League after being selected 22nd overall in the 2008 Draft, will need time to develop his skills in the NBA.

Keep an eye on Orlando this upcoming season because it may quickly assert itself as the most equipped squad in the Eastern Conference to make a Finals run.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 20:45
Postitas Tartust
No nii. Suur uudis Torontost. Jermaine O'Neal vahetati Toronto raptorsisse koos selle aasta drafti 41. pickiga(nime ei mäleta). Vastu tulid siis TJ Ford ja Radoslav Nesterovic.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 20:51
Postitas gasol2
Njh Raptorsil nüüd väga võimas eesliin Bosh,O,Neal,Bargnani,Moon ,aga tagallinis ainult Calderon normaalsel tasemel vend.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 20:52
Postitas raudsik
sa unustasid Anthony Parker'i.
ja uudistest nii palju veel et Heat sõlmis lepingu 3. punkti visete spetsialisti James Jones'iga, kes oli eelmine hooaeg paremuselt kolmas nö. sharp shooter 44.4 % kolmese kaare tagant.
mulle meeldib.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:20
Postitas Tartust
raudsik kirjutas:sa unustasid Anthony Parker'i.
ja uudistest nii palju veel et Heat sõlmis lepingu 3. punkti visete spetsialisti James Jones'iga, kes oli eelmine hooaeg paremuselt kolmas nö. sharp shooter 44.4 % kolmese kaare tagant.
mulle meeldib.
Kahju... Portland andis oma ühe parima ära. Muide Portland Indiana tegid ka trade.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:26
Postitas raudsik
mõlemad trade'id olid juba drafti ööl paika pandud kui ma ei eksi. aga need ei saand ennem tänast läbi minna mingi asja pärast, mida mina ei mäleta.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:27
Postitas Tartust
raudsik kirjutas:mõlemad trade'id olid juba drafti ööl paika pandud kui ma ei eksi. aga need ei saand ennem tänast läbi minna mingi asja pärast, mida mina ei mäleta.
Jah tegelikult olid need juba varem paika pandud, kuigi algul esimest tradet Pacers eitas.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:29
Postitas raudsik
Tartust kirjutas:
raudsik kirjutas:mõlemad trade'id olid juba drafti ööl paika pandud kui ma ei eksi. aga need ei saand ennem tänast läbi minna mingi asja pärast, mida mina ei mäleta.
Jah tegelikult olid need juba varem paika pandud, kuigi algul esimest tradet Pacers eitas.
see trade uudis läks lahti vict mingi nädalake enne draft, siis mõlemad pooled eitasid seda. aga mõnedpäevad ennem drafti juba mõlemad vict ytlesid, et nad teevad selle trade'i.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:45
Postitas Tartust
Kristo kirjutas:Käivad jutud, et Brand on liitumas 76ers'iga.
Vähemalt 2 inimest on seda juba eespool mainind tarkpea :)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:48
Postitas raudsik
kui brand nyyd liitub 76ers'iga, siis võib Clippers tühjade kätega jääda, sest Davis pole veel Clippersiga lepingut sõlminud ja ta ytles et ta tahaks Brand'iga koos mängida.....nyyd kus Brand on vict ära minemas Clippersist, siis vaevalt et Davis sinna tahab minna, sest Maggette on ju GSW'sse minemas, nii et Clippersisse ei jää yhtegi normaalset mängijat peale Kaman'i.

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2008, 21:51
Postitas Tartust
raudsik kirjutas:kui brand nyyd liitub 76ers'iga, siis võib Clippers tühjade kätega jääda, sest Davis pole veel Clippersiga lepingut sõlminud ja ta ytles et ta tahaks Brand'iga koos mängida.....nyyd kus Brand on vict ära minemas Clippersist, siis vaevalt et Davis sinna tahab minna, sest Maggette on ju GSW'sse minemas, nii et Clippersisse ei jää yhtegi normaalset mängijat peale Kaman'i.
Ehhe kui Magette läheb Warriorsi, siis ei saa Davis sinna mingil juhul tagasi minna. Lihtsalt Salary Cap ei kannataks välja seda.