3. leht 49-st

Postitatud: 30 Juul 2009, 15:35
Postitas Karl
TDK kirjutas:
andy72o kirjutas:
zero0 kirjutas:Kahtlen, kas Kalevis saab temast asja. Tuleb TTÜ-sse minna.
OT:Kas teistele klubidele ka mängijaid jääb?TTÜ on vist kummist...muudkui saadame neid mängijaid sinna.
Minu meelest on osad mehed seal täiesti mõttetud ja just Kurbas peaks sa mõne teise mehe kohapeal olema ja lammutama :)
TTÜ'l on väga kobe sats koos ja ei usu, et Kuusmaa kedagi eriti enam juurde võtta tahab, kui siis võtab vb Soo.

Kurbas peaks kalevis aga kandvaks jõuks saama.

Postitatud: 31 Juul 2009, 11:57
Postitas marxx762
Zalgiris sharpens the roster for 2009-2010

This has now become a usual development in Kaunas - Zalgiris sits out the first month of free agent market and only then they turn it up a gear or two and cross the finishing line of the summer period in full speed. This year is no different as the club is announcing one signing after the other, it has to be said that this strategy has not always worked but the potential of this team is better than the one of last year.

Dainius Salenga (197-F-77) was the first name on the extended player list, as he agreed to stay in Kaunas for another year. The experienced and time-checked forward from a small city of Varena was one of the key players for Zalgiris. And even though the club had a terrifying near-death experience throughout the season seeing all the domestic titles being taken by the main rival from Vilnius and missing the train to the Top 16 after a photo finish together with Asseco Prokom and SLUC Nancy. All the troubles were caused by the mismanagement of the club and huge debts to players - the new investor Vladmir Romanov has introduced some order into the club and Zalgiris has made up for the wrongs they did in the recent past, at least most of them as some players are still battle in the court for the unpaid salaries. There were talks that Zalgiris could strike the European market with a couple of big names - if Marcus Brown (193-G-74, agency: Higher Vision Sports, college: Murray St.) isn't one, who is? The Euroleague all-time top scorer is coming back and will wear a green and white jersey next season as well after being set on loan to Maccabi in the middle of last years campaign. This shows just how much the situation in Zalgiris has got better - the reason Brown asked to be loaned is the financial troubles and now he's coming back to the team that wasn't paying his hard earned money even though he was allowed to search for a better offer elsewhere. The American is expected to bring his much needed experience to Kaunas as the greens are planning to be a young team this season. And the team goes with what it says - two talented players were announced to be signing contracts in the near future. Martynas Pocius (196-G-86) and Tadas Klimavicius (204-F-82, agency: Interperformances) to be exact. Pocius finished his fourth year of collegiate basketball in Duke, while Klimavicius will extend the contract with Zalgiris after averaging above average numbers in Kaunas last season. The strenght of the team will be very much determined by what the ruling bodies of basketball and sports decide on Mantas Kalnietis (195-G-86, agency: Interperformances) double contract with both Zalgiris and Benetton Treviso. The whole thing seems to be going north rather than south as the first ruling was in advantage of Zalgiris, but Benetton has decided to appeal. If probably the most promising Lithuanian point guard stays in Kaunas, as it's most likely, Zalgiris will be a force to be reckoned with. If not - a grimly silence in Kaunas might be sensed as a gloomy shadow falls on Kaunas...


Postitatud: 06 Aug 2009, 09:44
Postitas tont
The draw for VTB League is scheduled on August 10th
It is now officially that the VTB League will have 8 teams in 2009/2010 season. VTB is the name of the bank that is the main organizer of the tournament.
CSKA, Unics and Khimky from Russia, Azovmash and BC Donetsk from Ukraine, Zalgiris from Lithuania, VEF Riga of Latvia and Estonian Kalev will be divided into two groups and then four best teams will meet in the Final Four. The VTB League Final Four is slated for February 6-7, 2010.
In the following year it was expected that some other teams could join the league, however even number 8 now is the success. Ukraine could also send BC Kyiv, Russia had last year Dynamo Moscow, Latvia had ASK Riga and Poland represented by Prokom.

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 12:14
Postitas Anneli
Täna loositakse Moskvas vastloodud korvpalli VTB Idaliiga alagrupid, oma vastased saab teada ka BC Kalev/Cramo.
Delfi reporter Ivar Jurtšenko jälgib sündmuste käiku kohapeal.
Meeskonnad loositakse kompleksis "President Hotell" kahte alagruppi ja järgmise aasta 6. ning 7. veebruaril toimuvale Final Fourile pääsevad kummagi alagrupi kaks paremat.
Kalevit esindavad Moskvas klubi president Ivar Valdmaa ja asepresident Toomas Linamäe.

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 12:39
Postitas xrip55

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 14:10
Postitas Kalev4ever
"Moskvas loositi täna alagruppidesse vastloodud korvpalli VTB Idaliiga alagrupid, BC Kalev/Cramo vastased on hirmkõva Moskva CSKA, Kaunase Žalgiris ja Mariupoli Azovmash.
Delfi reporter Ivar Jurtšenko jälgib sündmuste käiku kohapeal.

Teises alagrupis mängivad Kaasani Uniks, BC Himki, BC Donetsk ja Riia VEF. "

Samas rõõm, samas.. :D

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 14:14
Postitas xrip55

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 14:16
Postitas tont
njaa...põnev hooaeg tulemas. nüüd tahaks teada mis meeskonnaga kalev CSKA vastu läheb:)

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 15:04
Postitas TDK
Läkski nii nagu soovisin, väga hea, loodaks nüüd tõesti, et CSKA ikka vähemalt mõnegi staariga siia tuleb :)

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 15:21
Postitas Dunky
se läks suhteliselt halvasti nyyd . 2 Ülitugevat klubi . Oleks ainult cska poleks hullu midagi . Zalgirise poole pealt see jama et võibolla saame koti pähe aga kes teab .Mariupoli Azovmashi võidame küll ära ma arvan

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 16:45
Postitas Patrioot
Dunky kirjutas:se läks suhteliselt halvasti nyyd . 2 Ülitugevat klubi . Oleks ainult cska poleks hullu midagi . Zalgirise poole pealt see jama et võibolla saame koti pähe aga kes teab .Mariupoli Azovmashi võidame küll ära ma arvan
Meie ja milline meeskond?
Enne võiks keegi mõne sõna rosterist rääkida ja siis arutame seda, kui suure koti me cska-le pähe tõmbame.

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 16:53
Postitas AirJordanXXIII
Väga tore uudis et saame CSKA-ga mängida. Selle Mariupoli vastu midagi lihtsat küll ei tule, viimasel kolmel aastal on kohalik liiga kinni pandud, 2006-2007 oldi Eurocupil teised, aga saal on neil päris väike, eurosbasketi andmetel mingi 1500 kohta ja kuskilt vaatasin et mingi 2500 kohta, aga parem igatahes sellest saalist, kus Ukraina koondise vastu mängiti :P

Postitatud: 10 Aug 2009, 21:26
Postitas Asjaajaja
Haha... nalja hakkab saama.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2009, 00:47
Postitas KalevForever
Ma arvan millegi prast ,et see Mariupol on märksa kõvemgi meeskond kui žalgris.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2009, 12:11
Postitas Alex
Eile loositi uue korvpalliturniiri VTB liiga alagrupid, ajakava kohaselt peab BC Kalev/Cramo esimese mängu kodus Ukraina meistri Mariupoli Azovmašiga.
Mäng peetakse 14. või 15. oktoobril. Sama alagrupi teises kohtumises võõrustab Moskva CSKA sel ajal Kaunase Žalgirist.

Kalevil järgneb kolm mängu võõrsil. Alles enne jõule kohtutakse kodus Žalgirisega ja uue aasta alguses põhiturniiri viimases voorus CSKA-ga.

Normaalne alagrupp.Nüüd sooviks teada ainult milliseks meie Roster kujuneb...
(vana satsiga võtaks kaks võitu ikka ära)