Re: Jalgpall
Pepe teemal meenub üks mäng kus ta vastasele jalaga äsas.
Paistab, et nad seal võtavad kõik sõna. Adebayori sõnavõtt: Jose Mourinho - who was also sent off - has now seen his teams go down to ten men in his last five games against Barca, and Adebayor believes Pep Guardiola's men "are very far away from fair play".
"Maybe Pepe committed a foul but I don't think it was a red card," he said. "Football is a man's game but whenever you play against Barca, whenever you touch them, they are on the floor crying like a baby.
"I have played three games against Barcelona and each time we have had to play with ten men. Everyone talks about Barcelona and their fair play but I think they are very far away from fair play.
"Whenever you make contact when going for a one-on-one or 50-50 ball they are on the floor crying, putting their hand up near their face. Their manager, fans and the players on the bench are always crying. Barcelona is a fantastic club, has fantastic players, but they have to stop that."
Paistab, et nad seal võtavad kõik sõna. Adebayori sõnavõtt: Jose Mourinho - who was also sent off - has now seen his teams go down to ten men in his last five games against Barca, and Adebayor believes Pep Guardiola's men "are very far away from fair play".
"Maybe Pepe committed a foul but I don't think it was a red card," he said. "Football is a man's game but whenever you play against Barca, whenever you touch them, they are on the floor crying like a baby.
"I have played three games against Barcelona and each time we have had to play with ten men. Everyone talks about Barcelona and their fair play but I think they are very far away from fair play.
"Whenever you make contact when going for a one-on-one or 50-50 ball they are on the floor crying, putting their hand up near their face. Their manager, fans and the players on the bench are always crying. Barcelona is a fantastic club, has fantastic players, but they have to stop that."
Re: Jalgpall
Ja räägib seda mängija, kelle võistkonnas on maailma kõige suurem viripill!Alex kirjutas:Pepe teemal meenub üks mäng kus ta vastasele jalaga äsas.
Paistab, et nad seal võtavad kõik sõna. Adebayori sõnavõtt: Jose Mourinho - who was also sent off - has now seen his teams go down to ten men in his last five games against Barca, and Adebayor believes Pep Guardiola's men "are very far away from fair play".
"Maybe Pepe committed a foul but I don't think it was a red card," he said. "Football is a man's game but whenever you play against Barca, whenever you touch them, they are on the floor crying like a baby.
"I have played three games against Barcelona and each time we have had to play with ten men. Everyone talks about Barcelona and their fair play but I think they are very far away from fair play.
"Whenever you make contact when going for a one-on-one or 50-50 ball they are on the floor crying, putting their hand up near their face. Their manager, fans and the players on the bench are always crying. Barcelona is a fantastic club, has fantastic players, but they have to stop that."
Praegu allkiri puudub.
Re: Jalgpall
Alex kirjutas:Pepe teemal meenub üks mäng kus ta vastasele jalaga äsas.
Paistab, et nad seal võtavad kõik sõna. Adebayori sõnavõtt: Jose Mourinho - who was also sent off - has now seen his teams go down to ten men in his last five games against Barca, and Adebayor believes Pep Guardiola's men "are very far away from fair play".
"Maybe Pepe committed a foul but I don't think it was a red card," he said. "Football is a man's game but whenever you play against Barca, whenever you touch them, they are on the floor crying like a baby.
"I have played three games against Barcelona and each time we have had to play with ten men. Everyone talks about Barcelona and their fair play but I think they are very far away from fair play.
"Whenever you make contact when going for a one-on-one or 50-50 ball they are on the floor crying, putting their hand up near their face. Their manager, fans and the players on the bench are always crying. Barcelona is a fantastic club, has fantastic players, but they have to stop that."
Krdima, tõsiselt, endal meeskonnas Ronaldo, kes kukub iga väiksemagi puute järel, ja nüüd kiruvad barcat.. Ja Pepe olukorrast, lol, äsas veel 2 korda jalaga.

Re: Jalgpall
Adebayorilt julge ja õige sõnavõtt.
Re: Jalgpall
Muidugi, kui muud moodi ei võida siis ebaausalt ikka, aegluubis on nägu, et Pepe jalg ei puudutagi Alvest, ainult palli. Aga no mis tehtud see tehtud, taga pole mõtet nutta.
- kalevcramo
- Kasutaja
- Postitusi: 1092
- Liitunud: 16 Veebr 2008, 23:16
Re: Jalgpall
ja nüüd saab ilmselt Adebayor selle eest veel karistuse, et suu lahti julges teha. Pange tähele, trahv on soolas :S
Re: Jalgpall
Samamoodi ka Barcelona pidi Mourinho peale kaebama. Nagu teada, siis UEFA täidab kõik Barca soovid.kalevcramo kirjutas:ja nüüd saab ilmselt Adebayor selle eest veel karistuse, et suu lahti julges teha. Pange tähele, trahv on soolas :S
Re: Jalgpall
Andke andeks aga kaks täiesti lambi punti vastamisi, kui sa oled jalgpalli austaja mitte emma-kumma fänn. Esimene poolaeg mängu täiesti 0, teinepoolaeg mõtles ref, et otsutaks 'seekord' Barca kasuks ära ja tehtud ta oligi.
Ei ole kummagi poolt ja loodan, et ManU Barca vastu Wembley muru suruks.
Ei ole kummagi poolt ja loodan, et ManU Barca vastu Wembley muru suruks.
Re: Jalgpall
See on õige jutt!#7 kirjutas:Ei ole kummagi poolt ja loodan, et ManU Barca vastu Wembley muru suruks.
Re: Jalgpall
El Clasico on alati hea, aga see maasnutmine ja halamine ja simuleerimine ja kõik see jätab si*a mulje ikka minu jaoks. Kurat õige mäng käib Inglismaal, nii on ja jääb !
Re: Jalgpall
Krt praegu kõik kiruvad Dani Alvesi, Ronaldo hüppab samamoodi ise pikali koguaeg ja nutab seal maas.

- kalevcramo
- Kasutaja
- Postitusi: 1092
- Liitunud: 16 Veebr 2008, 23:16
Re: Jalgpall
no Ronaldo on selle kombe suuresti minetanud ja Ronaldole ja Alvesile tehtavaid vigu ei saa võrrelda. Alvesi ei puudutatagi praktilsielt, Ronaldole tehtav viga on enamasti päriselt ka jõhker, kuna kõik on pissed off ta skilli pärast.
- kasutaja123
- Kasutaja
- Postitusi: 1067
- Liitunud: 04 Apr 2009, 13:35
- Asukoht: Tallinn
- Kontakt:
Re: Jalgpall
Ei mäleta mina, et seniste El Clasicote ajal Ronaldo põhjuseta muru peal väänlenud oleks. Ikka on need Barca poisid, kellele vastased kogu aeg "liiga teevad".
Re: Jalgpall
Tohoh, lühike mälu. Vt eelmise aasta (hooaja) mänge.kasutaja123 kirjutas:Ei mäleta mina, et seniste El Clasicote ajal Ronaldo põhjuseta muru peal väänlenud oleks. Ikka on need Barca poisid, kellele vastased kogu aeg "liiga teevad".
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