300. leht 449-st

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 11:40
Postitas Kris
Kõige rohkem oleks Raadikut kasu just selles, et annaks teistele puhkust. Õnneks nüüd Kangur ka mängukorras, muidu oli Taltsil ja Hallikul väga suur koormus peal.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 11:53
Postitas Rio
Kris kirjutas:Kõige rohkem oleks Raadikut kasu just selles, et annaks teistele puhkust. Õnneks nüüd Kangur ka mängukorras, muidu oli Taltsil ja Hallikul väga suur koormus peal.
ega raadi jah mingi imemees pole ja selg ees korvi poole on suht sama ohutu mees kui Hallik aga nagu ma bbl stat räägib siis lauas on ta hea.Oleks tahtnud näha Kitsingut see valikturniir aga eks Sokk teab paremini

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 18:00
Postitas Kris
See Hollandi "skandaal" on igatahes väga veider.

Nagu aru saan, siis ei tohi kasutada üle 1 nn "kodustatud mängija", kes on passi saanud pärast 16 eluaastat. Aga Cunninghamil on Hollandi pass juba 6 aastaselt, ja Kherrazil Hollandi peatreeneri jutu järgi alates 15ndast aastast. Isegi kui ütleme et Kherrazi on see üks nn. kodustatud mängija, siis ei tohiks ka probleemi olla. Jääb mul midagi kahesilma vahele? Väga veider.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 18:43
Postitas Kalevpoiss
Kris kirjutas:See Hollandi "skandaal" on igatahes väga veider.

Nagu aru saan, siis ei tohi kasutada üle 1 nn "kodustatud mängija", kes on passi saanud pärast 16 eluaastat. Aga Cunninghamil on Hollandi pass juba 6 aastaselt, ja Kherrazil Hollandi peatreeneri jutu järgi alates 15ndast aastast. Isegi kui ütleme et Kherrazi on see üks nn. kodustatud mängija, siis ei tohiks ka probleemi olla. Jääb mul midagi kahesilma vahele? Väga veider.
Sul jääb kahe silma vahele, et see on Hollandi koondise peatreeneri jutt. Kas sa arvasid, et mees tuleb ja tunnistab ausalt üles, et see oli algusest peale Hollandi kurikaval plaan ja pettus? Siin ongi ju ainult kaks varianti, et nad tõesti arvasid, et kõik on korras või lootsid mitte vahele jääda ja sellisel juhul on puhtsüdamlikku ülestunnistust raske oodata.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 19:01
Postitas Kris
Aga mis siis ei ole korras?

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 19:31
Postitas BCKLV
Ehk on hoopis viga leedu komissaris ja Eesti võit tühistatakse :yahoo:

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 19:48
Postitas Rix
Kris kirjutas:Aga mis siis ei ole korras?
asi võib olla terminis topeltkodakondsus. Aga FIBA otsus pidi tulema juba homme, eks siis näis. Ega nüüd Eesti jaoks väga vahet ei ole- portugali tuleb ikka lüüa ja pea 10 punktiga kolmapäeval.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 20:01
Postitas Kalevpoiss
Rix kirjutas:
Kris kirjutas:Aga mis siis ei ole korras?
asi võib olla terminis topeltkodakondsus. Aga FIBA otsus pidi tulema juba homme, eks siis näis. Ega nüüd Eesti jaoks väga vahet ei ole- portugali tuleb ikka lüüa ja pea 10 punktiga kolmapäeval.
Juba teisipäeval peame seda tegema.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 22:20
Postitas O-2
Selle kodakondsuse teemaga on ikka väga keerulised lood. FIBA lehelt Hollandi koondise mehi uurides hakkas silma, et ka näiteks Joshua Duinker on topeltkodakondne - rohkem austraallane kui hollandlane. Paistab, et ta oli enne suve ka hollandlastele tundmatu.

http://basketballplus.nl/joshua-duinker ... in-oranje/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 22:28
Postitas vaim564
For eligibility purposes in FIBA competitions, a dual citizen may choose to represent any one of his two countries. FIBA also requires the player to have opted for dual citizenship on or before turning 16. Once a dual citizen chooses the country to represent, he may no longer play for the other country in a FIBA tournament.
http://www.philstar.com/sports/fiba-asi ... korean-ace" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Selline klausel.
Kui ma nüüd õigesti aru saan, siis FIBA nõuab, et topeltkodakondsusega mängija annaks teada, missugust riiki ta soovib esindada, enne 16 eluaastat, muidu läheb naturaliseerunute alla. Võimalik, et Cunningham ja Kharrouzi seda ei teinud, Duinker ja Mladenovic aga tegid.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 22:41
Postitas O-2
FIBA lehel on Duinker kirjas austraallasena. :)

http://www.fiba.com/pages/eng/fc/gamece ... rview.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 22:51
Postitas vaim564
Läks aega mis läks, aga leidsin veidi ametlikuma dokustaadi:
http://www.fiba.com/downloads/Regulatio ... ook3AG.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
16. Any player with two legal nationalities or more, by birth or by naturalisation,may choose
at any age the national team for which hewishes to play.Any such choice must be made
in a written declaration to FIBA. This provision applies also to any player having acquired
legal nationality by birth, or having the right to acquire a second nationality at birth, but
who does not lay claim to this right until a given time in the future.
[Note: for exceptions see articles 3-20 and 3-21].
17. However, if a player having two (2) or more nationalities is summoned by a national
member federation after reaching the age of eighteen (18), he is obliged to choose for
which national team he wishes to play. If he has declined the summons, the player may
choose only the national team of the other country/one of the other countries, unless he
declares, in writing, within fifteen (15) days of receiving the summons that he has chosen
the country that summoned him first.
[Note: for exception see article 3-23].
18. Any player having played in a main official competition of FIBA for a national team for
which he is eligible is considered as having chosen the national team of that country,
with the exception of cases provided for under articles 3-23 and 3-34.
19. Choices made under articles 3-16, 3-17, and 3-18 are irrevocable.
20. A player who has transferred as a young player according to article 3-52 may not choose
until he has reached the age of twenty-one (21) the national team of any country other
that the country from which he transferred.
21. a. A national team participating in a Competition of FIBA may have only one player on
its team who has acquired the legal nationality of that country by naturalisation or by
any other means after having reached the age of sixteen (16). This provision applies
also to any player having the right to acquire a second nationality at birth but who
did not lay claim to this right until after having reached the age of sixteen (16).
b. For purposes of letter (a) above, in the event that a player claims to have acquired a
legal nationality before having reached the age of sixteen (16), without presenting
the respective passport with a date of issue before the player’s sixteenth birthday,
the Secretary General may decide in his sole discretion that the player falls under
the restriction of letter (a) above. In taking this decision the Secretary General shall
take into account the following criteria:
- The number of years during which the player has lived in the country, for the national
team of which he wishes to play;
- The number of seasons during which the player has participated in domestic
competitions in the country of the national team for which he wishes to play;
- Any other criteria capable of establishing a significant link between the player and
the country, for the national team of which he wishes to play.”
22. A player who has played in a main official competition (see article 2-1) of FIBA before
reaching his seventeenth (17) birthday may play for a national team of another country if
both national member federations agree; in the absence of an agreement the Secretary
General decides.
23. A player who has played in a main official competition of FIBA (see article 2-1) after having
reached his seventeenth (17) birthday may not play for a national team of another country.
However, in exceptional circumstances the Secretary General may authorise such a
player to play for the national team of his country of origin if he is ineligible to play for
such country according to this article 3-23 and if this is in the interest of the development
of basketball in this country. An administrative fee as stipulated in article 3-305 and
decided by the Secretary General is payable to FIBA.
24. For any player who has two or more legal nationalities by birth or by naturalisation, the
national member federation for which the player wishes to play must obtain written
certification from the national member federation of the country(-ies) corresponding to
the player's other nationality(-ies), in which it is stated that he has not taken part in a
main official competition of FIBA as a member of its national team.
If the request for this certification remains unanswered, FIBA may issue provisional
authorisation to the national member federation making the request. After a period of one
year, this authorisation shall be considered final.
29. Unless provided otherwise, all decisions regarding the eligibility and the national status
of players are taken by the FIBA Legal Commission acting through the Secretary General
With respect to Zone championships and in the event of doubts, he may consult with the
respective FIBA Zone Secretary General.
30. Deleted.
31. Where there are violations of the provisions contained in these articles and, in particular,
where national member federations, clubs, or other organisations are involved in the
manipulation, no matter whether legal or not under the domestic legislation, of the legal
status of players, administrative and disciplinary penalties shall be imposed in the first
instance by the Secretary General of FIBA.
32. Such penalties shall have immediate effect and be in accordance with the Basic
Principles of Sanctions provided for in Book 1, Chapter VI of these Internal Regulations.
33. Appeals are governed according to these Internal Regulations (see Book 1, Chapter VII).
Marginal Cases
34. Decisions on marginal cases are the responsibility of the Secretary General following
consultation with the Chairman of the FIBA Legal Commission.
The same shall apply with respect to refugees enjoying asylum rights and displaced
persons (UN Conventions).
In certain cases, FIBA nationality may be granted to a player

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 11 Aug 2013, 22:56
Postitas vaim564
Kokkuvõttes selgub kõik ikka sellest, kas ja kuidas on dokumendid esitatud. FIBA võib leida ka, et kõik oli õige ja eksis mängu komissar.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 12 Aug 2013, 08:54
Postitas Mario
huh im kito kirjutas:Kangur, tuli ja aitas päris päris palju siiski . 14lp võttis ka, kaks lohakust oli ka ,kus võeti käest pall ära,aga no selle annan ma küll andeks, arvestades, et esimesed 2 mängu kaasa ei teind .
Ma arvan, et just Kanguri pealt on koondisel palju juurde panna viimaseks mänguks. Ta tegi neid suht tühja koha pealt tulnud pallikaotusi ikka rohkem kui 2, pluss vilets visketabavus ja kõige krooniks viimase rünnaku halb lahend. Kaitse, söötude ja laudadega heastas muidugi vigu, aga normaalse esituse korral oleks Eestile vähemalt 10 punkti juurde võinud lisada.

Re: Eesti koondis.

Postitatud: 12 Aug 2013, 19:25
Postitas Rio
Mario kirjutas:
huh im kito kirjutas:Kangur, tuli ja aitas päris päris palju siiski . 14lp võttis ka, kaks lohakust oli ka ,kus võeti käest pall ära,aga no selle annan ma küll andeks, arvestades, et esimesed 2 mängu kaasa ei teind .
Ma arvan, et just Kanguri pealt on koondisel palju juurde panna viimaseks mänguks. Ta tegi neid suht tühja koha pealt tulnud pallikaotusi ikka rohkem kui 2, pluss vilets visketabavus ja kõige krooniks viimase rünnaku halb lahend. Kaitse, söötude ja laudadega heastas muidugi vigu, aga normaalse esituse korral oleks Eestile vähemalt 10 punkti juurde võinud lisada.
Normaalne esitus oleks tulnud siis kui ta oleks 10 min mänginud mitte 30