Nate Fox

Klubist, mängijatest ja treeneritest.
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Postitusi: 2237
Liitunud: 06 Mär 2008, 16:53

Postitus Postitas zero0 »

2009-01-26 Nate Fox: „I am extremely happy to play in Baltic League”

Congratulations on winning the MVP award! How important it is to you?

It’s definitely a very big thing. I am sure, it helps a lot in my career. Considering the high level and the amount of talent in Baltic League, it is definitely something to be proud of.

Before joining BC Kalev/Cramo, you had very successful career in Germany. Try to compare the level of BBL and BBL (Baltic Basketball League and Basketball Bundesliga)?

It’s too difficult to compare the level of those leagues. I can’t say which one is stronger - if you take Zalgiris and Rytas then they are probably better than the top teams in Bundesliga. But there are 5 to 7 teams in Baltic League that are no weaker by any means than the German teams. You have to be very prepared when playing against every single team in Lithuania and Latvia and of course the team of Tartu.

How did you end up in Estonia after being one of top players in Bundesliga?

I made a mistake. I had a lack of professionalism for a moment and I was caught on doping. That closed a lot of doors for me despite how well as I was playing. I ended up here in Estonia because Kalev/Cramo was willing to take a chance on me. I had played together with Kristjan Kangur in Germany and Valmo Kriisa in Netherlands. The management asked them about me and they spoke highly. Now I am here and very happy about it.

Tell us a bit more about that mistake.

As I said it was a lack of professionalism. Both individually and team-wise we had a very good season and we had just came up with a very important victory in German league. There was a little party in Berlin after a victory. I got a bit carried away with my celebration. A week later the league organized a doping-tests and I still had “a part of celebrating” left in me. I was suspended for 7 and half months.

That seems harsh. Is it the biggest possible punishment?

Yes, it is harsh. Because of how long I had played in Germany and because of how well-known player I was, they tried to make me an example. Originally, they wanted to suspend me for up to one year. Lots of teams turned away but for now, everything has went well.

I am extremely happy here. The fans, the city support and love Kalev/Cramo. It is a great team with very high level of play and management and everything is good. It’s not a step back by any means.

The Baltic League has changed since the start of the season. The economical situation has influenced a lot of teams, already. How does that affect Kalev/Cramo’s chances of success?

Originally, we thought that our goal is to qualify to the top 6. And yes, if some team loses their top player, it absolutely affects the chances of the other teams. It has helped us, too, but I am not going to predict our final position. We have got to prepare for every game.

In last game (Kalev/Cramo’s loss to ASK Riga - J.F.) we had a step back. We lost to one of those teams who have got to let go their foreign players. Again, that shows the strength of the Baltic league - even without foreign players, there are teams can who can beat anybody. That shows how strong the domestic players are.

Is the roster of Kalev/Cramo perfectly ready or does the team still has to find additional forces?

I think our team is solid at every position. We have strong starting five but we also have enough depth. We don’t have one superstar and that’s what makes us strong. A group of strong weapons, anyone can make a difference.

Talking about yourself. You started your career in University of Maine where you made very big numbers (15.8 ppg, 7.0 rpg through 66 games). Were you ever close to the NBA?

I think everybody in the States who plays basketball has an inspiration by the NBA. Now it’s a dream for Europeans, too. And yes, I also dreamt of NBA. But I think the sooner you realize that your dream may never happen, the better. You have to find different avenues to keep doing what you love. I've been extremely fortunate to be among great players in great teams.

Your comments about the head coach Nenad Vucinic?

Nenad is one of the hardest-working coaches I have seen. He makes a tireless effort of scouting every opponent. He prepares us for every game and if sometimes we don’t succeed, it’s definitely not his fault.

I guess there have never been a basketball player in Estonia with such a big muscles. How did you achieved such an athletic body?

Laughs… When i was in college, I hated the weight room. I was a social butterfly who walked around the people in the weight room asking them what to do and how to do the exercises. At one moment, reality smacked me in the face. I realized that to have a successful career, I have to focus in the weight room. That’s important for injury-prevention, for having more stamina - so, I found a motivation and started working a lot. And besides, it doesn’t look bad on the pictures and on the beach… laughs again.
Postitusi: 3686
Liitunud: 29 Mai 2007, 20:56
Asukoht: Anfield

Postitus Postitas jyrgen »

see vana meeldib mulle ikka rohkem ja rohkem :)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1796
Liitunud: 30 Okt 2007, 19:50
Asukoht: Keila

Postitus Postitas TDK »

Lõpuks ometi tehti mõne Eesti klubi mängijaga ka intervjuu, aga üsna sisukas artikkel, Fox on tõesti väga muhe vend :)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2728
Liitunud: 28 Juun 2008, 19:03
Asukoht: Paide

Postitus Postitas Kalev4ever »

Noo sel vennal on ikka selline kuus-pakk, mida tahaks iga kutt :D
Üleüldse on Nate suurt vaeva näinud oma kehaga ja paljudes muudes asbektides samuti.
Respect! :)
Fear the prophet!
Postitusi: 102
Liitunud: 27 Nov 2008, 17:52

Postitus Postitas Euroliiga »

Kalev4ever kirjutas:Noo sel vennal on ikka selline kuus-pakk, mida tahaks iga kutt :D
Üleüldse on Nate suurt vaeva näinud oma kehaga ja paljudes muudes asbektides samuti.
Respect! :)
Kuulge, te vaatate teda korvpallurina või kui musklis mehena?

NBA-s on enamus sellised. Ta on ka ameeriklane ja teab mida tähendab hea vorm.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2728
Liitunud: 28 Juun 2008, 19:03
Asukoht: Paide

Postitus Postitas Kalev4ever »

Mina vaatan teda mõlemana.

Meil siin pole paraku tegemist NBA-ga niiet ;) Ja ega ameeriklased ainukesed pole, kes teavad mida tähendab hea vorm :)
Fear the prophet!
Postitusi: 408
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2009, 21:23

Postitus Postitas YO »

Euroliiga kirjutas:
Kalev4ever kirjutas:Noo sel vennal on ikka selline kuus-pakk, mida tahaks iga kutt :D
Üleüldse on Nate suurt vaeva näinud oma kehaga ja paljudes muudes asbektides samuti.
Respect! :)
Kuulge, te vaatate teda korvpallurina või kui musklis mehena?

NBA-s on enamus sellised. Ta on ka ameeriklane ja teab mida tähendab hea vorm.
Selline peabki sportane olema. Kahjuks enamik Eesti korvpallurid näevad välja täielikud flegmikud. Kui sul tehnikat v viset pole, siis see tuleb kompenseerida mingi muu elemendiga. Kurat, mind ajab see Veski vihale, vennal on pikkus olemas, vise ka enam-vähem aga mees on lihtsalt konkreetne sitahäda, kes ei suuda ennast maksma panna. Olgu mees, võtku ennast käsile tõmmaku ennast räigeks ambaaliks ja korvialune oleks olemas.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 368
Liitunud: 30 Sept 2008, 16:34

Postitus Postitas converse »

teab keegi kas netis ka kuskil terevisiooni klipp on üleval, kus foxiga intervjuud tehakse? :/
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Egert »

converse kirjutas:teab keegi kas netis ka kuskil terevisiooni klipp on üleval, kus foxiga intervjuud tehakse? :/ - siin on terevisioonid üleval aga tänast osa veel pole üleval
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 368
Liitunud: 30 Sept 2008, 16:34

Postitus Postitas converse »

Egert kirjutas:
converse kirjutas:teab keegi kas netis ka kuskil terevisiooni klipp on üleval, kus foxiga intervjuud tehakse? :/ - siin on terevisioonid üleval aga tänast osa veel pole üleval
terevisiooni kodulehele pannakse neid kordussaateid kolmepäevase vahega :( peab vist esmaspäevani ootama
3on3 Tänavakorvpall
Uus kasutaja
Postitusi: 5
Liitunud: 30 Jaan 2009, 15:01

Postitus Postitas 3on3 Tänavakorvpall »

Nate Fox @ Terevisioon, 30.01.2009:
Postitusi: 115
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2007, 14:26

Postitus Postitas T6ru »

Fox rääkis et talle meeldib kalevis väga ja ta ei näe põhjust siit ära minna.
Postitusi: 1028
Liitunud: 06 Mai 2007, 11:12
Asukoht: Hiiumaa

Postitus Postitas gasol2 »

No sellest lõigust jäi küll mulje ,et meil vb on isegi Nate järgmine aasta võimalik Kalevis näha.
Postitusi: 722
Liitunud: 31 Mai 2008, 13:31
Asukoht: Tartu

Postitus Postitas Tartust »

Muidu põnev, aga väga soovi lõpuni vaadata ei olnud, sest see tõlge käib närvidele, parem kuulaks otse ingliskeelset juttu ja oleks hoopis mugavam. Tuletan teile siiski veelkorra meelde, et Ameerikalste puhu on Money talks, nii et eks me näe :). Kui saab kuskilt palju parema, siis vist karta on, et läheb ka(minu arvamus).
Viimati muutis Tartust, 30 Jaan 2009, 16:04, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1796
Liitunud: 30 Okt 2007, 19:50
Asukoht: Keila

Postitus Postitas TDK »

Täitsa asjalik intervjuu, ainult paar lolli küsimust Priidult, aga noh pole viga :)