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Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 16:13
Postitas Alex
Kleiza läks uuele ringile
Toronto signs Denver restricted free agent forward Linas Kleiza to a four-year, $20 million

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 16:40
Postitas raudsik
Alex kirjutas:Kleiza läks uuele ringile
Toronto signs Denver restricted free agent forward Linas Kleiza to a four-year, $20 million
Parandaks Sind, Denver'il on 7 päeva aega, et vastata Toronto pakkumisele. Praegu Toronto pani ta ainult offer-sheet'ile.

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 17:16
Postitas Ragles23
Kas keegi oskab öelda, et kes eelmise Miami Heati hooaja meestest ka see hooaeg samas meeskonnas mängivad? Ja kas neil on plaanis kegagi uut palgata või vahetada?

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 17:37
Postitas Ricky
Oi mis küsimus:D

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 17:40
Postitas Alex
raudsik kirjutas:
Alex kirjutas:Kleiza läks uuele ringile
Toronto signs Denver restricted free agent forward Linas Kleiza to a four-year, $20 million
Parandaks Sind, Denver'il on 7 päeva aega, et vastata Toronto pakkumisele. Praegu Toronto pani ta ainult offer-sheet'ile.
Vaatan, et Pana teeb üldse puhast vuuki. Joshi kohta ei tea, aga enne Kleiza teemat andis Pekovic sõrme T-Wolves'le. Hundidel tunduvad ka uued tuuled puhuvat
Busy day Wolves fans. The Wolves just signed Darko Milicic to go with the earlier signing of Pekovic. Darko gets a 4 year deal for $20 million. Really, not terrible by today's standards for big men. Very luckily for us, the fourth year is only partially guaranteed. I can live with that. Also, Darko wants to be here (lead the league in smiles hooray!), he plays above average defense, is a superb passer, and has legitimate seven footer size. He could potentially be the Wolves best center. Ever.

Now we only have about $5 million of cap space, after using nearly all of it in Kahn's "Fourth Window of Opportunity" to acquire Martell Webster/Darko/and Pekovic. Make your own decisions on that. But if Kahn wants Rudy Gay/David Lee/Pecherov (joking), then it is going to have to be via a Sign and Trade with Big Alco Jefferson's contract. Or he gives Jefferson away for an entirely unguaranteed contract like Hayward from Dallas, and then signs a free agent. Getting rid of Al for nothing (or S&T), allows us to acquire someone for a max of approximately $16 million or so. A little more or less depending on how we fill out the end of the roster.

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 17:51
Postitas Oskar8
Ragles23 kirjutas:Kas keegi oskab öelda, et kes eelmise Miami Heati hooaja meestest ka see hooaeg samas meeskonnas mängivad? Ja kas neil on plaanis kegagi uut palgata või vahetada?
peale wade ja boshi on neil Chalmers ja Beasley.
Kui James annab oma nõusoleku miamiga liitumiseks , sisi Beasley (ja vb ka Chalmers) vahetatakse ära.
Plaanis on sisusliselt terve tiim veterane täis palgata.... midagi täpset pole, aga suurem huvi on Brandon Haywoodi vastu.

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 21:07
Postitas Alex
suvakas kirjutas:Lebron teeb sellest ikka mingi megauudise. 1 tunnine saade maailma suurimal spordikanalil
Not everyone plans to watch the big announcement by James. The story has dragged on and dominated the headlines for months. It’s no wonder some have been turned off by his need for the spotlight and consider him a bit of a drama King.

“It’s gotten ridiculous,” Orlando coach Stan Van Gundy said. “It’s almost like a parody of itself this whole situation now. Come on, an hour long? It takes 15 seconds to say I’ve decided to stay in Cleveland but we’ve got another 59 minutes and 45 seconds to, what? Promote LeBron James?

“As if we don’t do that enough. Look, the guy’s a great player and wherever he goes, my bet would be Cleveland, that place will be excited. But an hour-long special?”
Ex-Heat Jermaine O'Neal reached an agreement with Celtics (2 years $12M) ja Dallas re-signing Haywood (six years $55M)

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 08 Juul 2010, 22:15
Postitas Soho
Alex kirjutas:
suvakas kirjutas:Lebron teeb sellest ikka mingi megauudise. 1 tunnine saade maailma suurimal spordikanalil
Not everyone plans to watch the big announcement by James. The story has dragged on and dominated the headlines for months. It’s no wonder some have been turned off by his need for the spotlight and consider him a bit of a drama King.

“It’s gotten ridiculous,” Orlando coach Stan Van Gundy said. “It’s almost like a parody of itself this whole situation now. Come on, an hour long? It takes 15 seconds to say I’ve decided to stay in Cleveland but we’ve got another 59 minutes and 45 seconds to, what? Promote LeBron James?

“As if we don’t do that enough. Look, the guy’s a great player and wherever he goes, my bet would be Cleveland, that place will be excited. But an hour-long special?”
Ex-Heat Jermaine O'Neal reached an agreement with Celtics (2 years $12M) ja Dallas re-signing Haywood (six years $55M)

vanadekodu sai siis täiendust xD

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 01:54
Postitas Egert
LeBron mängib uuel hooajal... :D :D

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 02:26
Postitas Oskar8
Tundubki nii, et Lebron Miamisse...

kui ta peaks tõesti tunniajases erisaates ESPN-is teatama cleavlandist lahkumisest, siis see oleks inetuim ja õelaim asi mida sportlane oma linnale eales teinud on....

keda asi huvitab ja aega parajaks lüüa tahavad kuniks lebron otsuse teatab siis huvitavat lugemist:
http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/st ... ons/100708" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 04:28
Postitas Egert

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 04:29
Postitas Kivipallur
argpüks... :D

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 04:31
Postitas Mihkel111
Kivipallur kirjutas:argpüks... :D
Pilt :D

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 04:36
Postitas Kivipallur
Mihkel111 kirjutas:
Kivipallur kirjutas:argpüks... :D
Pilt :D
Mitte väga :D .Aga usun ,et Cavsi fännid on vihased ...
Argpüks on ta ikkagi..

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitatud: 09 Juul 2010, 04:47
Postitas Egert