Tartu Rock

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CB 4
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Liitunud: 06 Apr 2009, 22:47

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas CB 4 »

Ma arvan , et ta mõtles pigem Kalev-Rock mängudel vist :?:
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 205
Liitunud: 03 Nov 2008, 10:04

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas plix18 »

Ei saa aru, millega ta selle on ära teeninud.
No enne kui seda küsid, käi paaril Rocki mängul ka :) Vaata kuidas poiss mängib!
Kalevi fänn ei pea Rocki mängudel käima.Nii et vaevalt Egert spetsiaalselt kunagi Rocki vaatama läheb.
Aga kuidas ta ilma Morrisoni mängimas nägemata saab öelda et ta pole seda auhinda ära teeninud??
Ma tahaks lihtsalt huvi pärast teada :Kelle sa hr Egert siis BBL-i novembri MVP-ks oleksid valinud ?
"Kui päike paistab, laenab Pank sulle vihmavarju; ja kui sadama hakkab, küsib selle tagasi."-Mark Twain
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Postitusi: 1107
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2007, 16:48
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas BigMac »

Renfroe oleks enda valik
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Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Egert »

Mina oleks samuti valinud kas Renfroe või Fisheri.
Pigem Renfroe, kuna usun, et Fisheri parimad esitused on veel ees ;)
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Postitusi: 2237
Liitunud: 06 Mär 2008, 16:53

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas zero0 »

Scott Morrison: „The fans of our team are just amazing!“

The center of TU/Rock, Scott Morrison won the award of the MVP in November. Morrison says that he would strongly consider the proposal of becoming an Estonian citizen and playing for Estonian national team.(!!!)

Congratulations, Scott, on winning the MVP award. What does the prize mean for you?

Thank you! I guess it really is a big thing but honestly – I would trade it for more wins this month.

Your team was a bit unlucky in November – a loss to Ventspils on final seconds, then a very tight game against Zalgiris. As a professional – does a thing called „a brave loss“ or „a beautiful loss“ exists for you?

Yeah, those losses hurt. Hmm… No, I don’t think so. When you play against Zalgiris and the game is even that close to the end then I couldn’t call it a „brave loss“. But a very good game – that’s what it was.

That last game against Zalgiris shows that TU/Rock is getting better and better. What is going to be different in the spring, when the decisive games will start?

The main thing is that we are going to be healthy. We had to play many games without Marek Doronin and Tanel Tein. Janar Talts had to miss couple of games. But we still have a lot of work to do.

How did you end up in Estonia?

My agent from San Francisco, who dealt with the players from my NCAA conference, found me a team to play in Hungary. After last season TU/Rock approached me. Of course, the chance to play in the Baltic League and in EuroChallenge made it easy to decide.

How would you rate the level of Baltic League?

It is definitely very good. It’s stronger, more physical than I expected.

What do you think about your new hometown, the fans and the coach?

You know, it is amazing, the fans of our team. We have had games in Lithuania. The fans just travel there; they drive for 7-8 hours just to see us playing. I am amazed. The team – I like it a lot, there are couples of players who have proved their quality in Euroleague, and there are some talented younger players. Sten Timmu (Sokk) and Timo (Eichfuss) are my best friends there. And Indrek (Visnapuu, the head coach), he really knows the game. I respect him very much. Both I and Todd (Abernethy) have learned many new things from him. I am sure he has a bright future ahead.

You are very young and very tall. Do you dream of the NBA of Euroleague? Where do you imagine yourself in three years?

Of course, I dreamt of the NBA when I was younger. I am more realistic now. I imagine myself, playing in as high level as possible and I’d love to play in Euroleague some day. As myself, I need to become more physical and I need to work on my outside shot to reach those goals.

You are a member of Canadian national team. Have you already played for Canada?

Not yet. I was on the list of players but I didn’t take part in the 2010 World Championship qualification games.

But in August 2010 when the World Championships begin, are you going to be in the team of Canada?

I hope so. They bring 15 players in the national team and 12 are going to play. Definitely, the MVP award in BBL is a big help for me in the competition.

Do you know that Estonian national team is desperate to land some young tall player, give him a citizenship, so he could represent Estonia in European championship games? What would you answer if you would face the proposal to give up Canadian citizenship and become an Estonian citizen?

I’d strongly think about it. I love being a Canadian but playing for Estonia would open so many doors in Europe and that would definitely be the positive side.

You are from Vancouver, the world-famous ice hockey town. Could you have chosen a different career, or do you miss not becoming a hockey player?

Oh no. Of course, i love Canucks and I still follow them and as a child, I and brothers watched every game on TV. But my Mum didn’t let me try ice hockey because she thought that game is too dangerous. And I have no regrets about my choice.

Last question – what do you like to do besides basketball?

In summertime, I waterskate. But right now, in Tartu, I use my free time to communicate. I have four brothers and a sister in Canada. I have many friends and I spend my time to writing e-mails and chatting with them.

Right after the interview TU/Rock is going to play with the leader of Estonian championships - BC Rakvere Tarvas. What are the odds?

I am sure that we are going to win.
Postitusi: 202
Liitunud: 02 Apr 2009, 09:11
Asukoht: Tartu

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Delta »

BigMac kirjutas:Renfroe oleks enda valik
Arvestades, et valiti novembri parimat, rääkis Renfroe kahjuks paar asja. Esiteks ülikehv esitus Ventspilsi vastu. Teiseks kindlasti ka see, et kui ntx Renfroe ja Morrison olid kandidaadid, siis Rock võitis Vefi nende enda kodus. See polnud küll nii suur määraja, aga midagi kindlasti(Vef oli ikka selge favoriit).
Fisher pigem, temaga sama teema jälle. Rock vs Cramol mängus oli suhteliselt kahvatu(kodumäng Cramol), muidu kindlasti. Mõningane üleliigne isetsemine jne. Eks mees oli suht külm ka samas, kui Cramoga liitus. Pigem isegi Fisher kui Renfroe.
Aga arvan ka, et tema paremad esitused on veel ees ja see tiitel tal kindlasti saamata ei jää.

Morrisoni üle muidugi hea meel. Mees mängis ise tõesti hästi, isegi kui teinekord meeskonda taga polnud.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1067
Liitunud: 04 Apr 2009, 13:35
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas kasutaja123 »

Eestlane Morrison polekski ju eriti halb mõte :P
Postitusi: 1443
Liitunud: 04 Mär 2008, 11:49

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas xrip55 »

kasutaja123 kirjutas:Eestlane Morrison polekski ju eriti halb mõte :P
Sama jutt k2is Cusi kohta
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 188
Liitunud: 01 Okt 2009, 22:57
Asukoht: Eesti,Soome

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Ragles23 »

Ma arvan, et Reed oleks kõige realsem kanditaat
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Postitusi: 3609
Liitunud: 26 Nov 2008, 16:52

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Rix »

Morrison on õige valik, kuigi hooaja algul olin ka tema suhtes skeptiline. Loeb stabiilsus ja Rocki esituste paranemine novembris. Siin võiks MVP valikul toetajaprillid ära võtta. Koondise keskmängijana Morrison... noh, abiks oleks, aga äkki peaks ikka vähe kõrgemal tasemel mehe kodustama, kui juba kodustamiseks läheb. Toomes näen potentsiaali Morrisoni tasemele tõusmiseks küll ja veel, Cus oleks olnud ikka hoopis teine tera.
“I know it when I see it” - Potter Stewart
Postitusi: 37
Liitunud: 02 Dets 2009, 18:09

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas h00p »

http://live.fibaeurope.com/netcasting/d ... =undefined" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
siin siis tänase mängu LIVE
Postitusi: 200
Liitunud: 15 Mär 2009, 13:35

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Sanikidze »

poolaeg siis rockile 35-34
talts 15p, morrison ja abernethy 7p + morrisonil 8 lauda
vastaste parim Black 10p
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 488
Liitunud: 19 Mai 2009, 15:48

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Kivipallur »

Hale...mingit Belgia klubi võiks ju ikka võita...Väga loodan ,et tänavune hooaeg jääb Taltsile Rockis viimaseks.Ta on paremat klubi väärt.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 3609
Liitunud: 26 Nov 2008, 16:52

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas Rix »

Järjest enam hakkab tunduma, et Rock oskab ainult Cramoga mängida, aga vara veel kriipsu peale tõmmata. Kodus vaja kõiki võita ja võõrsil austerlasi ning võib edasi pääseda. Abernethy mängis vist võidu maha, uhas peale, aga ei tabanud. Seda just otsustavatel hetkedel.
“I know it when I see it” - Potter Stewart
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 205
Liitunud: 03 Nov 2008, 10:04

Re: Tartu Rock

Postitus Postitas plix18 »

Võtab lihtsalt sõnatuks!
Miks Morrison viimasel veerandil alles 3 min enne lõppu platsile sai?
Miks oli vaja Teinil ja Abernethyl nii palju kolmeseid uhada?
Visnapuu otsused tunduvad kohati kummalised!
Taltsi ees müts maha ,hea mängu tegi!
"Kui päike paistab, laenab Pank sulle vihmavarju; ja kui sadama hakkab, küsib selle tagasi."-Mark Twain