1. leht 10-st

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 09:34
Postitas Tauri
Huvitav miks küll Frieri teemat siin pold? Mulle on see küll väga meeldiv et Frier Kalevisse tagasi tuli sest ta on siiamaani old mu lemmik Kalevimängija ;). Loodame siis et ta aitab meid meie praegusest madalsesisust välja ja hakkab platsil ka midagi väga toredat korda saatma

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 11:37
Postitas BCKLV
Noh eks ta olnud meie kõigi lemmikmängija omal ajal ning nende poolt kes teda mäletavad saab ta täna platsile naastes kindlasti sooja aplausi osaliseks. Viienda finaalmängu viset ei tasuks temalt veel oodata, kuid minu poolest ei ole viskavate tagamängijate osas Kalevil küll enam probleeme.

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 12:50
Postitas Raja

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 14:41
Postitas Oskar8
aga mäng rocki vastu *Krafti särgis tundus kyll lahja... 7 pk ja vabavisked 9/2

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 15:04
Postitas Tauri
tal oli kehv päev. Reed on ka ju mitu korda mingi 2 punni peale jäänd

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 15:07
Postitas #18
Tauri kirjutas:tal oli kehv päev. Reed on ka ju mitu korda mingi 2 punni peale jäänd
Ega ikka ei ole küll kahe punkti peale jäänd :D
Alla 10 punkti viskab ikka väga harva

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 15:08
Postitas tanel
Kust sellised andmed

Basket.ee ütleb et 34mintsa, 17punkti (kahesed 10-4, kolmesed 6-2, vabakad 9-3) , lisaks 2 lauda ja 4 söötu. Talle tehti 8 viga. Halb on muidugi see et ta tegi 7 pallikaotust.

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 15:10
Postitas tanel

Postitatud: 30 Okt 2007, 20:00
Postitas TDK
Frier on tõesti kõva kutt, eks ta peab nüüd uuesti meeskonnaga kohanema, usun et paari mängu pärast on ta juba oma kindluse uuesti leidnud :)

Postitatud: 31 Okt 2007, 18:09
Postitas fänn1
oodake nats.frieril oli pikk vigastuspaus ka suvel.las mees nats harjutab.küll ka tulemusi varsti näha on.

Postitatud: 01 Nov 2007, 14:50
Postitas Faruq
--- Tere Tulemast Kalevisse --- Howard

Postitatud: 12 Nov 2007, 15:52
Postitas Demarr
After a dismal start to the Baltic League, BC Kalev has signed former MVP Howard Frier (193-G-76, agency: EM-PA, college: Colorado), and spearhead of the champion BC Kalev teams of years past. Since his signing they have soundly defeted their last two opponents in the Baltic League and also emerged victorious in their first ULEB Cup match and now sit atop the standings in their ULEB group.

Eurobasket: Howard, congrats on the new addition to the family! How is that comig along? How does it feel to be back? This has been the place of some of your greatest triumphs as a pro. What do you think the team at BC Kalev was missing before your arrival?
HF: I can't express how thrilled I am to be back. My wife and I just welcomed a baby girl into this world and I am ecstatic that BC Kalev gave me the opportunity to remain in Tallinn where she was born.
As for the team, it is a role that I am quite accustomed to here. Both of my teams here have been quite talented in the past and this one is no exception. My value to this team will not be measured in points scored, and I am VERY comfortable with that. I have always felt my greatest qualities as a basketball player are leadership and defense, and that is what I intend on providing to this team.
Eurobasket: How does it feel to know that you have been pivotal in their resurgence in: 1) the Baltic League and in 2) this newest encarnation of the ULEB Cup?
HF: Well obviously I watched the team begin the season and, of course, in my mind I could see several things I could bring to the team to help become more successful. I just really try to focus on bringing an enormous amount of energy, leadership, and being that solid perimeter defender that every successful team needs.
Eurobasket: How do you foresee the remainder of the Baltic League playing out for you as a group? These last 2 wins have taken you back into the froefront as a top team there.
HF: The Baltic league is very competitive so you definitely have to be focused each and every game. We are back in the mix at the moment, so we just need to take it one game at a time and focus on improving as a team.
Eurobasket: What do u honestly think will be needed in order for Kalev to win the Baltic League title?
HF: A tremendous amount of belief in ourselves as a team, and in the systems our coaches create for us. Management has shown that they are ready for BC Kalev to take it to next level, so its up to us as players to make it happen. We have the reigning MVP of the league (Travis Reed (203-C-79, agency: Court Side, college: Long Beach St.)) in the middle, and in my opinion he is surrounded with enough weapons to make it happen.
Eurobasket: Now as to the ULEB Cup, what do u think is needed there? How would you rate the difference in levels of competition.
HF: It's a similar mindset with the ULEB as well. It's a great opportunity to test yourself against some of the best teams in Europe. We got off to a good start at home, so now we need to continue to focus one game at a time, starting now with our trip to France. I am not sure if I can compare the two leagues after just one ULEB game, but I will say that the competitiveness of the Baltic League against the Latvians and the Lithuanians definitely keeps you sharp and prepared to take on the rest of Europe!
Eurobasket: On another note, do you forsee yourself settling down here in Estonia for the remainder of your career? If not, then where do u see yourself headed after this tour of duty?
HF: As for my future, I really do feel comfortable back here with BC Kalev and I certainly would not be against finishing my career here. I am also very interested in possibly playing with the national team here in Estonia.
Eurobasket: Howard we want to wish you a succesful remainder to the Baltic League and to the newly begun ULEB Cup competitions, etc.
HF: I would like to thank you guys at EUROBASKET for allowing me to express myself and I would like to send a special thanks to the fans of BC Kalev who have welcomed me back with open arms. I look forward to doing some great things!

Postitatud: 12 Nov 2007, 17:07
Postitas felix
ennäe, Howard noolib kodakondsust! :)
mina annaks talle neid kasvõi kaks tükki, kui tal on tõsine plaan jääda Eestisse oma karjääri ning loodetavasti ka elu lõpuni.

Postitatud: 12 Nov 2007, 20:46
Postitas Britta
special thanks to the fans of BC Kalev who have welcomed me back with open arms. I look forward to doing some great things!

väga armas ütlus temalt! aga jah, oli meeldiv olla seal, kui Howie jälle platsile jooksis! ja hea kuulda, et ta tahab ka Eesti kodakondsust.

Postitatud: 13 Nov 2007, 17:31
Postitas greystone
Howie on jh sihuke lahe tüüp, enne Neptunase mängu sai teda Prismas ka kohatud ja tulevals mänguks edu soovitud. :P Sihuke muhe ja sümpaatne vend on ta.