Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

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Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2008, 00:08

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Mihkel111 »


@tomhaberstroh: Missed this, but yes, wow. RT @IzzyESPN: Wow. Heat PA announcer says Amare was "extinguished" from the game. That can't go over well.
@christomasson: Yes, P.A. guy really did say Amar'e was "extinguished'' from the game when he fouled out. That's what I heard.
Postitusi: 210
Liitunud: 26 Apr 2012, 14:48

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas põrsas123 »

http://sport.err.ee/korvpall/87767c3c-c ... eeb4e356d9" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Egert »

Postitusi: 1443
Liitunud: 04 Mär 2008, 11:49

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas xrip55 »

Harden siis 6th man of the year

James Harden ‏ @JHarden13
Thanks bro! RT @LarryFitzgerald: @JHarden13 Congratulations on winning the 6th man of the year. Best of luck moving forward in the playoffs.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1067
Liitunud: 04 Apr 2009, 13:35
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas kasutaja123 »

http://espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/2012/st ... hed-police" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 215
Liitunud: 13 Sept 2009, 19:00
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Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Jukapuka »

Uskumatu lihtsalt mida Lakers teeb. Tundub, et ainult ühte meest huvitab korvpall, ainult tema tahab mängida. Teised isegi ei ürita. Masendav, masendav....
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 879
Liitunud: 23 Jaan 2008, 00:08

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Mihkel111 »

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/b ... .mvp.0167/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
MIAMI (AP) - A person familiar with the decision tells The Associated Press that Miami's LeBron James will be announced Saturday as the NBA's MVP, the third time he's won the award in the past four seasons.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the results have not been released. James is expected to be presented with the trophy Sunday by Commissioner David Stern before Miami hosts Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinals against Indiana.

James will become the eighth player to win the award at least three times, joining Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson and Moses Malone.

He'll be the first to win as a member of the Heat. James' previous MVP awards in 2009 and 2010 came when he played for Cleveland.
:clap: :yahoo: :clap:
Kasutaja avatar
Bosh For The Win
Postitusi: 83
Liitunud: 14 Mär 2011, 17:21
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Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Bosh For The Win »

No see oli juba ammu selge, mis siin enam plaksutada.

Ootan samas juba pühapäeva, siis hakkavad esimesed tõsised mängud. Miami Heat WHITE HOT! 2012
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 622
Liitunud: 04 Apr 2009, 16:03

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas mavs »

Niisama huvipärast vaatasin, et viimase kümnendi jooksul on ainult ühe korra võitnud meistritiitli meeskond, kelle mängija on valitud hooaja MVP-ks. Seda siis Duncan ja Spurs 2003 aastal.

Nii, et Lebroni ja Heat'i selline statistika ei soosi.. :D
Average is acceptable in some NBA cities. It’s a disaster in Dallas.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 135
Liitunud: 05 Okt 2010, 17:51

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas MrKilp »

Mihkel111 kirjutas:http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/b ... .mvp.0167/
MIAMI (AP) - A person familiar with the decision tells The Associated Press that Miami's LeBron James will be announced Saturday as the NBA's MVP, the third time he's won the award in the past four seasons.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the results have not been released. James is expected to be presented with the trophy Sunday by Commissioner David Stern before Miami hosts Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinals against Indiana.

James will become the eighth player to win the award at least three times, joining Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson and Moses Malone.

He'll be the first to win as a member of the Heat. James' previous MVP awards in 2009 and 2010 came when he played for Cleveland.
:clap: :yahoo: :clap:
väga super :clap: nüüd järgmisena tuleb siis ring ja Finals MVP :D
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 741
Liitunud: 18 Jaan 2011, 19:57

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas tonii »

Mis moodi seda kommenteerite? Reggie Evans Gets Technical Foul for High-Five
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Egert »

Keda huvitab, siis kell 20.00 on NBA.COM lehel MVP pressikonverents.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 608
Liitunud: 13 Nov 2007, 23:09

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Alan »

Kohtunikud kujutavad liiga palju ette. Saku peaks oma pehmovaba kampaaniat NBA's rakendama.

Hiljuti liikus ringi üks artikkel Joey Crawfordist, kus mees tunnistas avalikult, et tal oli probleeme anger managementiga ja seetõttu loopis tehnilisi rohkemgi kui tänapäeval. Nii nagu mängijad peaksid suutma oma emotsioone taltsutada, peaksid ka kohtunikud seda tegema.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 7240
Liitunud: 31 Dets 2008, 03:57
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Egert »

Tundub, et Lakersis on asjad päris hapud:
Gasol basically said what I feared he would: Hope Kobe's happy getting his guy Artest back for G7. Between lines: Good luck to 'em.
As for the Lakers tonight, Kobe was exactly right to call out Bynum and Gasol. And if Bynum doesn't show up and they lose, he may be gone!
First place votes: James 85, Durant 24, CP 6, Kobe 2, Parker 4. (That's the order of finish in total points.)
LeBron got one vote for fourth, one vote for fifth.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 3636
Liitunud: 26 Nov 2008, 16:52

Re: Ookeani tagune liiga (NBA)

Postitus Postitas Rix »

Ma end ookeanitaguses värgis väga asjatundjaks ei pea, aga Durantile tehti ikkagi MVP valimisel külma.
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