BC Rakvere Tarvas
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Üks intekas Renatoga:
What advice would you give to a young player to be able to succeed this to play out of their country
Work harder then anyone, failure is just a bump in the road, always believe even when it seems impossible
How many years of basketball practice
I started young around 10 or 11 years old playing for fun, around 16 is when I got more focused and started practicing daily so around 12 years of practice
What is the first team where you played
Terceira Basket was the first Pro team of my career
What memories from the first team
Winning the championship and making great friends
What memories from that Season ?
A lot of expectation, ups and downs throughout the season ofcourse, but the will to fight to the end and win
What is your golden season
My current season right now in Estonia
The most emotional moment in your career
Losing in the finals during my first season in Iceland
And the saddest
Breaking my foot in college
What is your favorite club?
In the nba it is the Miami Heat, in Europe that would have to be my current team Rakvere Tarvas
The best Trainer
Been blessed to have more then one great trainer to hard to pick
What memories of the Portuguese Teams where you played?
The joking around in the locker room and during team dinners are always great
What quality players had as opponents in Portugal ?
Marcel Momplasir, Pedro Silva, Daniel Monteiro, to name a few
What was your best game in Portugal ?
When I played for Terceira and against Lusitania
And your best trainer ?
Cant pick one had many great trainers
You guard in your memory any game situation that occurred in Portugal ?
Playing against Benfica and watching my teamate Ricky Franklin make jordan like shots to help us win the game
In what teams you played in Portugal ?
Terceira Basket, Lusitania
You won any trophy in your Career ?
Yes, Baltic cup, Estonian cup, CNB1 Championship
You have some friends in Portugal ?
Yes many
Which player surprised you most positively in your Career ?
Martin Dorbek
And the negative situation
A ridiculous situation that has passed in the field and you do not forget
During practice I was wide open for a layup and as I went to jump I some how tripped over nothing and fell down, the whole team was laughing including myself
The game you never forget
That would have to be in the summer pro am league in Hartfor CT, during the finals I got poked in the eye played less then 3 quarters yet finished with 48 points
On a personal level
Who are you
I am a young man that has been blessed to do what I love
What do you do when you are not playing
During season mostly resting and video games, offseason is mostly with friends at the beach and ofcourse summer leagues.
How was your youth
A lot of sports and a lot of fun with great friends
How do you imagine in old age
A lot of ice and painkillers
A dream
Play in the Euroleague
The perfect meal
Steak and potatoes
Dream trip
Tour around Europe with some close friends
A thought
Be the best that you can be
An idol
My grandfather
Fernando Borges
02 01 2013
What advice would you give to a young player to be able to succeed this to play out of their country
Work harder then anyone, failure is just a bump in the road, always believe even when it seems impossible
How many years of basketball practice
I started young around 10 or 11 years old playing for fun, around 16 is when I got more focused and started practicing daily so around 12 years of practice
What is the first team where you played
Terceira Basket was the first Pro team of my career
What memories from the first team
Winning the championship and making great friends
What memories from that Season ?
A lot of expectation, ups and downs throughout the season ofcourse, but the will to fight to the end and win
What is your golden season
My current season right now in Estonia
The most emotional moment in your career
Losing in the finals during my first season in Iceland
And the saddest
Breaking my foot in college
What is your favorite club?
In the nba it is the Miami Heat, in Europe that would have to be my current team Rakvere Tarvas
The best Trainer
Been blessed to have more then one great trainer to hard to pick
What memories of the Portuguese Teams where you played?
The joking around in the locker room and during team dinners are always great
What quality players had as opponents in Portugal ?
Marcel Momplasir, Pedro Silva, Daniel Monteiro, to name a few
What was your best game in Portugal ?
When I played for Terceira and against Lusitania
And your best trainer ?
Cant pick one had many great trainers
You guard in your memory any game situation that occurred in Portugal ?
Playing against Benfica and watching my teamate Ricky Franklin make jordan like shots to help us win the game
In what teams you played in Portugal ?
Terceira Basket, Lusitania
You won any trophy in your Career ?
Yes, Baltic cup, Estonian cup, CNB1 Championship
You have some friends in Portugal ?
Yes many
Which player surprised you most positively in your Career ?
Martin Dorbek
And the negative situation
A ridiculous situation that has passed in the field and you do not forget
During practice I was wide open for a layup and as I went to jump I some how tripped over nothing and fell down, the whole team was laughing including myself
The game you never forget
That would have to be in the summer pro am league in Hartfor CT, during the finals I got poked in the eye played less then 3 quarters yet finished with 48 points
On a personal level
Who are you
I am a young man that has been blessed to do what I love
What do you do when you are not playing
During season mostly resting and video games, offseason is mostly with friends at the beach and ofcourse summer leagues.
How was your youth
A lot of sports and a lot of fun with great friends
How do you imagine in old age
A lot of ice and painkillers
A dream
Play in the Euroleague
The perfect meal
Steak and potatoes
Dream trip
Tour around Europe with some close friends
A thought
Be the best that you can be
An idol
My grandfather
Fernando Borges
02 01 2013
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Mis arvate kumb võidab täna kas Tarvas või Leedu piimameistrid?
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Ma isegi arvan, et Tarvas on suuteline seda mängu ära võtma.
Ise panustaksin Tarvas punktidega (H - 3), usun et tuleb tasavägine mäng, kui mitte blowout Tarva poolt.
Ise panustaksin Tarvas punktidega (H - 3), usun et tuleb tasavägine mäng, kui mitte blowout Tarva poolt.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Usun,et Tarvas kodus võib võita küll,olles näinud pieno mõlemaid mänge Cramoga siis pole kindlasti tegemist väga tugeva meeskonnaga.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Pieno on kaitsemeeskond, seega, kui Tarvas tahab võita, tuleb 75 silma vähemasti visata. Kodus võimalik.Rio kirjutas:Usun,et Tarvas kodus võib võita küll,olles näinud pieno mõlemaid mänge Cramoga siis pole kindlasti tegemist väga tugeva meeskonnaga.
“I know it when I see it” - Potter Stewart
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Alustatud on hästi 26:21.
Tra miks keeegi ei öelnud, et ülekanne ka: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tvtarvas
Ja poolaeg 50:41 Tarvasele.
Tra miks keeegi ei öelnud, et ülekanne ka: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tvtarvas
Ja poolaeg 50:41 Tarvasele.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Rix kirjutas:Pieno on kaitsemeeskond, seega, kui Tarvas tahab võita, tuleb 75 silma vähemasti visata. Kodus võimalik.Rio kirjutas:Usun,et Tarvas kodus võib võita küll,olles näinud pieno mõlemaid mänge Cramoga siis pole kindlasti tegemist väga tugeva meeskonnaga.
Poolajaks 50 punni siis juba olemas !
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Huvitav muidugi, et Sõber mängitab julgelt Schleicherit ja Metsalu ning suurt midagi ei juhtu, samal ajal kui Varrak ei julge M.Dorbekut ja T.Raadikut isegi KML-s platsile saata.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
No ma ei tea... need Laksad ja Umbraskod lihtsalt ei oska kolmeseid mööda visata.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Ei ole sõnu - kaks ülirasket kolmest järjest.
- Kasutaja
- Postitusi: 2575
- Liitunud: 07 Sept 2010, 20:59
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Sõbral on munad ja julge panna mehi platsile aga 1 mees ei julge ja kardab!
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Andres Sõber on Tarvasest loonud ikka ühe uskumatu koosluse. Ma kunagi arvasin, et ta on mingi hull tyrann-hirmuvalitseja. Palli platsi kõrval treenerina on ta ekstraordinaarselt emotsionaalne ning kehalise kasvatuse õpetajana TIK-is oli ta ka hull tüüp. Paistab, et see emotsionaalsus ei pakata niivõrd negatiivsest vihast - muidu ju mehed ei mängiks nii.
Viimati muutis Asjaajaja, 08 Jaan 2013, 20:33, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Rakvere Tarvas on üks müstiline sats, kahju et kohapeal rohkem rahvast ei olnud.
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Väga hästi esimene võit siis olemas !
Re: BC Rakvere Tarvas
Eriti viimane veerandaeg oli igas mõttes täiesti ulmeline. Mingil hetkel pandi sisse ka kõige raskemad visked. Eriti meeldis hetk kui Schleicher (!) mingi 5 minti enne lõppu platsile tuli, mingi leeduka õhku pettis ja veel ühe kolmese kotti pani.
Nõus, et see mäng väärinuks täismaja.
Kusjuures leedukad ei teinud mingeid erilisi lollusi nagu Kalev oma senises kahes kaotusmängus Tarvasele. See 130 kilone neeger lammutas korvi all, pall liikus, tehti kiirrünnakuid, lolle viskeid ja pallikaotusi eriti olnud. Aga nii kui nad tagasi tulema hakkasid (väikseim vahe oli 3 veerandajal vist neli punkti), Tarvas pani eksimatult paar kolmest sisse ja oligi vahe taas sees.
See enesekindlus, mida Sõber on tüüpidesse suutnud süstida, on uskumatu. Miskipärast torkas pähe et mis veel siis saaks kui Bamba neil juures oleks.
Nõus, et see mäng väärinuks täismaja.
Kusjuures leedukad ei teinud mingeid erilisi lollusi nagu Kalev oma senises kahes kaotusmängus Tarvasele. See 130 kilone neeger lammutas korvi all, pall liikus, tehti kiirrünnakuid, lolle viskeid ja pallikaotusi eriti olnud. Aga nii kui nad tagasi tulema hakkasid (väikseim vahe oli 3 veerandajal vist neli punkti), Tarvas pani eksimatult paar kolmest sisse ja oligi vahe taas sees.
See enesekindlus, mida Sõber on tüüpidesse suutnud süstida, on uskumatu. Miskipärast torkas pähe et mis veel siis saaks kui Bamba neil juures oleks.