Allen Iverson was granted permission to leave the Memphis Grizzlies to deal with a personal matter, the Memphis Commercial Appeal reported on Saturday.
Iverson had a meeting with Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley Friday night after the team lost 114-98 to the Los Angeles Lakers, the newspaper reported.
Iverson met with Heisley again Saturday morning and then left for Atlanta, the Commercial Appeal reported. Iverson lives in Atlanta during the offseason.
Iverson has played in three games for the Grizzlies since returning from a hamstring injury. He has come off the bench in all three games and made it known he is unhappy about it.
No Grizzlies kaotas ilma iversonita 110-113 clippersile, gay viskas 33 punkti. Kaks üllatavat tulemust ka--- Kings võitis Utahit ilma kevin martinita. aga jazz mängis ikka väga koledalt ka kui aus olla. ja siis Hawks võitis 25!!?? punktiga carmelot ja companyt.
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