Balti liiga 2007/08
Mul tegelt on üks teooria, ei tea kui õige see muidugi on. Minu teada rendib ka ASK Riga Arenat, täpselt nagu Kalev Saku Suurhalli. Selle mängu ajal võis näiteks mõni täht Riga Arenal esinemas olla ja ASK ei saanud lihtsalt saali kasutada.
Viimati muutis Demarr, 17 Nov 2007, 15:25, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
We train like champions, we win like champions and if we lose, we lose like champions
Teams will play each other two times during the regular season and two best Elite league's clubs will advance straight to the final four, meanwhile 3-8 places are going to show off for quarterfinals. 9'th place team of the Elite division will have play-offs consisting of two games (at home and away) against lower league's vice-champion. The winner advances to the quarterfinal.fänn1 kirjutas:plz rääkige mulle ära kuidas balti liigas edasi saab või kuidas see süsteem on
The last place team of the Elite league will be eliminated, while the Challenge Cup's winner substitutes it on condition that it meets the SEB BBL requirements.
Quarterfinals system
Pair A: SEB BBL Elite league's team 3 - Challenge Cup's team 1
Pair B: SEB BBL Elite league's team 4 - Play-off winner
Pair C: SEB BBL Elite league's team 5 - SEB BBL Elite league's team 8
Pair D: SEB BBL Elite league's team 6 - SEB BBL Elite league's team 7
In quarterfinals clubs will play 2 games. The lower-seeded team plays first game at home. Second match will be held on higher-seeded team's court. Winners advance to the semifinals.
Semifinals system
Pair E: Pair A winner - Pair D winner
Pair F: Pair B winner - Pair C winner
Semifinals have the same priciple as the quarterfinals.
Championship's prize fund - 75 000 euros.
We train like champions, we win like champions and if we lose, we lose like champions
Usun, et just Kanguri effektiivsus, lauapallid ning punktid kasvavad veelgi. Hooaja alguse mängudes oli ta vigastusega kimpus ning ei saanud kõiges mängudes täie rauaga kaasa teha. Kindlasti läheb tohutult paremaks Arbeti statistika, sest ütleme nii et halvemaks see enam minna BBLis ei saa. ULEBis on Gregor ju super head mängu näidanud.