Balti liiga 2007/08
Lietuvos Rytas on huvitatud Earl Boykinsiga lepingu sõlmimisest. Eks näib kas sellest tuleb midagi välja kah.
Viimati muutis Demarr, 27 Nov 2007, 21:56, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
We train like champions, we win like champions and if we lose, we lose like champions
Hollis Price: victim of a racist attackBigMac kirjutas:Ohoh , see on nüüd küll huvitav , kust rohkem inffi saaks , otsisin BBList ka , aga ei leidnud
November 26th, 2007 by Christophe · 11 Comments
We got reports from Lithuania today about a racist attack on the US-born PG of Lietuvos Rytas this Friday in Vilnius. The news has only been released this afternoon though.
Hollis Price, who is actually playing with the Lithuanians in the Euroleague has been attacked by skinheads in the streets of Vilnius. Friday night at about 10pm, Price has been thrown down by 3 "pseudopatriotic" guys but luckily some journalists and students that were around could interfere and stop the fight. However, one of the three skinheads tried to punch him more but the helpers could take control of the situation as two of three have run away.
This is really a dramatic incident, even if Price did not get hurt seriously as he could play the day after in a LKL game. He was reduced somehow as he only played 8 minutes during that game, even if this was also maybe the result of the domination of his team during that game.
However, the discussions are heating up in Lithuania as the Lietuvos Rytas team is know for having an "Ultras" fan club that is carrying flags with racist symbols. These "fans" are present to lots of away games of their team too. I won’t go any further in this discussion as I am not enough aware of their real status and beliefs.
But I hate really hearing about such stories and I wish all the best to Hollis Price and I want to thank those people that helped him in that situation.
We train like champions, we win like champions and if we lose, we lose like champions
Siin on ka vastav uudis Lietuvos Rytase huvi kohta, aastapalgaks pakutakse 0,8 miljonit eurot*:
Kaip teigia Milvokio dienraštis "Greater Milwaukee", praėjusį sezoną šioje komandoje gana sėkmingai žaidęs, tačiau NBA komandų dėmesio šiemet nepritraukęs, mažiausias NBA žaidėjas Earlas Boykinsas gali užsivilkti Vilniaus "Lietuvos Ryto" marškinėlius. Tiksli kontrakto suma neatskleidžiama, tačiau manoma, kad E.Boykinsas "Lietuvos Ryte" uždirbtų 0,8mln. eurų per sezoną.
Praėjusį sezoną krepšininkas atstovavo Milvokio "Bucks" komandai ir pelnydavo po 14 taškų bei atlikdavo po 4,5 rezultatyvaus perdavimo.
Kaip teigia Milvokio dienraštis "Greater Milwaukee", praėjusį sezoną šioje komandoje gana sėkmingai žaidęs, tačiau NBA komandų dėmesio šiemet nepritraukęs, mažiausias NBA žaidėjas Earlas Boykinsas gali užsivilkti Vilniaus "Lietuvos Ryto" marškinėlius. Tiksli kontrakto suma neatskleidžiama, tačiau manoma, kad E.Boykinsas "Lietuvos Ryte" uždirbtų 0,8mln. eurų per sezoną.
Praėjusį sezoną krepšininkas atstovavo Milvokio "Bucks" komandai ir pelnydavo po 14 taškų bei atlikdavo po 4,5 rezultatyvaus perdavimo.
We train like champions, we win like champions and if we lose, we lose like champions