Positsioon: C
Sünniaeg: 02.07.1989
Rahvus: USA
Pikkus: 208 cm
Kaal: 115 kg
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08.11.2010 07:00
http://www.ohtuleht.ee/index.aspx?id=401228" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;Üleeile Eestisse jõudnud BC Kalev/Cramo keskmängijat Michael Dunigani ei ei heidutanud siinne lumi ega viimase aja napp mängupraktika.
208 cm pikk ja 115 kilo raske Dunigan kuulas eileõhtuses Kalevi trennis hoolikalt juhendajatekolmiku õpetussõnu ja proovis harjuda meeskonna liikumistega.
Kõrvaltvaatajatele pakkus samal ajal kõneainet külalise hiigelsuur jalg. Higi valatud, kehitas Dunigan õlgu: "Kust ma pean oma jalanumbrit teadma?" Ent ameeriklane kooris tossu jalast ning tõde saabus: 52,5! Sellega asus ta klubisiseses pingerivis Robert Krabbendamiga täpselt esikohta jagama.
Dunigan loodab juba tänases Balti liiga kohtumises Valmieraga uuele klubile võimalikult kasulik olla. "Lennukis oli küll meeletult kitsas ja reisiväsimus on natuke kontides, aga usun, et homseks on kõik korras," tõdes ta. "Mu põhiülesanded saavad olema lauavõitlus ja blokkide panemine – ühesõnaga, pean korvialust valitsema."
Teatavasti viibib Dunigan Kalevis laenulepingu alusel – tõsi, see jõustub alles siis, kui Aivar Kuusmaa ja Co võõrjõu paarinädalase katseaja jooksul ikka värvata otsustab. Jeruusalemma Hapoelis pingipoisiks jäänud Dunigani sõnul pole napp mängupraktika talle probleem.
"Olen siiski palju harjutanud ja hindan enda vormi korralikuks," sõnas ta. "Hapoel arvestab ka tulevikus minuga ja ka mina loodan neile veel kasulik olla."
21aastane noormees lisas, et ei piina end NBA-mõtetega. "Ma ei unista praegu NBAst. Mõtlen ette lühemalt – esmalt püüan end tõestada siin, siis Hapoelis. Pole mõtet kaugemale vaadata," andis Dunigan USA korvpallurile üsna ebatüüpilise vastuse.
Koos mustanahalise palluriga saabus Eestisse lumi. Dunigan võdistas küll pisut õlgu ja muigas, aga märkis siis: "Lumi ega külm mind ei hirmuta. Olen neid Chicagos näinud piisavalt."
Enne Iisraeli siirdumist pallis Dunigan Oregoni ülikoolis, mille jättis nimelt Hapoelist kutse saanuna pooleli.
04.11.2010 12:47
http://www.draftexpress.com/profile/Mic ... z14JNNxFbQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;BC Kalev/Cramo korvpallimeeskond saab Jeruusalemma Hapoelist laenule 208 cm pikkuse ja 115 kg kaaluva ameeriklase Michael Dunigani.
Kalev/Cramo mänedžeri Kaarel Sibula sõnul kavatseb 21-aastane mees järgmisel suvel pürgida draft'i kaudu NBA-sse. "Ta käis Oregoni ülikoolis, aga jättis selle pooleli ja siirdus profiks. Hapoel tegi temaga perspektiivi nähes pika lepingu, kuid sel hooajal mees väljakule väga ei pääse ning talle sooviti anda mängupraktikat mõnes teises klubis. Meil pärast tänavust hooaega temale enam õigusi pole, võimalik, et Hapoel tahab tema müügilt tulevikus raha teenida," avas Sibul Dunigani tausta.
Dunigan saabub Tallinna laupäeval ja peaks juba esmaspäeval kaasa lööma Balti liiga mängus Valmieraga. Mees võetakse kahenädalase katseajaga. Eriti kõva testiperiood saabub tuleva nädala lõpus, kui Kalev sõidab kolmemängulisele turneele Leetu.
September 12, 2009
A rare back to the basket oriented big men, Michael Dunigan had an up and down freshman season that regardless put him firmly on the radar screens of NBA talent evaluators due to the obvious pro potential he clearly possesses.
Standing 6-10, with a massive frame, long arms, and decent athleticism, Dunigan passes the look test on first glance and then some. He’s a somewhat plodding, below the rim big man who is relatively mobile for his frame, but isn’t going to blow anyone away with his highlight reel tape.
A threat to establish deep post position at any time thanks to his terrific strength, Dunigan has extremely soft hands which allow him to catch virtually anything thrown his way. The overwhelming majority of his offense comes in this fashion, as he doesn’t possess a plethora of moves he can go to if he needs to create his own offense. Dunigan regardless gets to the free throw line at an excellent rate, although he only converts on 58% of his attempts once there. He seems to have nice touch around the rim (especially on his turnaround jumper and jump-hook), to complement his quick feet, so it may only be a matter of time until he improves substantially in these areas.
The rest of Dunigan’s offense needs plenty of work. Right now he’s a fairly poor passer, looking somewhat single-minded once he catches the ball and decides to go to work. He doesn’t run the floor all that well, often appearing to be the last one up the court, jogging at a leisurely pace. He also shows very little resembling a face-up game, looking fairly awkward when attempting to shoot jumpers outside of 8 feet (which is reflected in his poor free throw percentages) and also not possessing any real ball-handling skills either. At 6-10, NBA teams would probably like to see Dunigan be able to spend at least a little time at the power forward position, but right now his skill-set is much closer to that of a traditional center.
Defensively, Dunigan doesn’t do much to change that perception either. He looks fairly heavy trying to step out and move his feet on the perimeter, where his poor fundamentals really get exposed. He tends to over-commit and bite on pump-fakes fairly regularly, often leaving his teammates high and dry in the process. Dunigan is an extremely foul-prone player, which is one of the main reasons he played just a hair under 20 minutes per game on average last season. In the post, things aren’t a whole lot better, as he regularly gives up deep position and then gets burned by average college big men. He does have some tools on this end, though, showing the hands and timing to make some nice plays from time to time, especially in the form of an occasional block or steal, but his lack of experience really shows.
As a rebounder, Dunigan can’t be described as anything more than average at best, at least as far as production is concerned. The lethargic impression you get at times while watching him play seems to show up the most vividly in this area, as he just doesn’t crash the glass as well as a player with his size, bulk and length should at the college level, especially on the defensive end.
Despite the seemingly harsh criticism, Dunigan actually may have a very bright future ahead of him. The tools he brings to the table are undeniable, and many of the issues he faces are very much correctable, especially in terms of fundamentals, technique and effort. It will be interesting to see how Dunigan builds off the solid freshman campaign he put together, as that will teach us quite a bit more about his long-term NBA potential.
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